Seminar  |  24.11.2021 | 15:00  –  16:15

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Satisfied or Money Back – Should Policy Keep Educating PhD Holders despite Market Frictions?

Cindy Lopes-Bento (KU Leuven)

Seminare finden derzeit im Online-Format statt (siehe Seminarseite).

There is an ongoing debate around whether or not universities produce too many PhD students in light of the limited number of available permanent faculty positions. A body of literature has emerged that investigate the destinations and career preferences of PhD students, but has neglected the importance of graduates’ job satisfaction, which is vital for an employee to be productive and to contribute to society. This paper contributes to our current understanding of the job market for academics by comparing job satisfaction and motivations of PhD holders outside of academia (industry or government) to those in academia, and by comparing job satisfaction and motivations of PhD holders compared to PhD drop-outs. We rely on a unique survey of 608 PhD grant applicants at the FNR and, in line with prior research, find a strong preference for intrinsic motivations and jobs in academia. We also show that many graduates leave academia and that this does not result in lower job satisfaction. However, there are distinct job satisfaction profiles, in terms of job attributes, for different sectors. These findings are of relevance to employers and policy as they inform them on job match of graduates and on the opportunity cost of pursuing a PhD. (Joint work with Cornelia Lawson, University of Manchester)

Ansprechpartner: Rainer Widmann

Seminar  |  17.11.2021 | 15:00  –  16:15

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Members or Mavericks? Organizational Identification Dynamics during Secret Innovation Projects

Anika Stephan-Korus (BMW & HES Fribourg)

Prior management research has provided extensive evidence that organizational members who identify with their organization tend to support its norms and objectives by displaying behaviors that are in-line with or beyond organizational expectations. We question whether this account of observable in-role or extra-role behaviors is complete and study organizational identification dynamics in a series of secret, unauthorized innovation projects (so-called “bootlegging” projects) within a technology-driven multinational firm. In contrast to prior research, our findings suggest that organizational identification may sometimes lead members to deliberately violate organizational norms in a struggle to support their organization. More specifically, we find that organizational identification turns out to simultaneously motivate both overt in-role and secret counter-role behaviors which, at first sight, appear to be conflicting as they both draw on the member’s scarce resources. However, our results reveal that both behaviors really complement each other and thus create an interesting, hitherto unexplored organizational paradox. We then move on to also study how a member’s organizational identification may change when performing the secret innovation project and uncover the critical role of managerial responses for successfully sustaining and strengthening organizational identification of members who are both, loyal members and loose mavericks at the same time. (joint with Philipp Bubenzer)

Ansprechpartner: Rainer Widmann

Seminar  |  10.11.2021 | 15:00  –  16:15

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Beefing It up for Your Investor? Open Sourcing and Startup Funding – Evidence from Github

Annamaria Conti (HEC Lausanne)

Seminare finden derzeit im Online-Format statt (siehe Seminarseite).

We study the participation of nascent firms in open-source communities and its implications for attracting VC funding. To do so, we exploit unique data on 160,065 US startups linking information from Crunchbase to firms' GitHub accounts. Estimating a within-startup model saturated with a host of relevant fixed effects, we show that startups accelerate their activities on the platform in the twelve months prior to raising their first financing round. The intensity of their involvement on GitHub declines in the twelve months after. Remarkably, startups intensify those activities that rely on external technology sources above and beyond the technologies they themselves control. Applying machine learning to classify GitHub projects, we find that the most prevalent among these external activities are related to software development, data analytics, and integration. Our results indicate that VCs and renowned investors are the most responsive to these activities. (Joint work with Christian Peukert, HEC Lausanne, and Maria Roche, Harvard Business School)

Ansprechpartner: Fabian Gaessler

Workshop  |  05.11.2021, 10:00

Intellectual Property Law-Making as Line (Re-)Drawing

Max Planck Law Teaching Session mit Daria Kim

Die Veranstaltungssprache ist Englisch.

Policy- and law-making in the field of intellectual property (IP) is about drawing a line between excludability and non-excludability of results of creative and innovative activity. The rationales for such boundaries stem from various theories about innovation, creativity, and social well-being.  The question of where to draw a line often becomes a matter of balancing competing interests and policy objectives.

The workshop will explore the challenges of this exercise in the context of EU IP law. It will stimulate the participants to view IP law and policy as a ‘work in progress’ rather than being ‘cast in stone’ and consider how the IP framework could be improved.  

5 November 2021 – 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

  • Theoretical foundations of IP law
  • Critical perspectives on IP
  • IP policy levers
  • IP law from a law-in-social-context perspective

In-person if possible or hybrid format

Enrollment: Maximum 25 Participants

Webpage of Daria Kim

Seminar  |  03.11.2021 | 15:00  –  16:15

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: When Patents Matter

Øivind Nilsen (Norwegian School of Economics)

Seminare finden derzeit im Online-Format statt (siehe Seminarseite).

In most OECD countries, the gross domestic spending on research and development (R&D) is substantial, on average 2.5 percent of gross domestic product. A large share of the R&D expenditures, including research in the business enterprise sector, is funded by the governments. This paper investigates empirically the dynamics between firms’ employment, output, success in obtaining public research funding, labour productivity, return on assets (ROA), and capital intensity in the periods before, during, and after filing a patent application. The analysis is based on a panel of accounting data for all Norwegian firms merged with patent application data from the Norwegian Industrial Property Office (NIPO). The final panel covers a period of 18 years (2001-2018). Since the sample includes the whole population of Norwegian firms, it allows to form both a large control- and treatment-group (firms that file at least one patent application in the period). year a patent application A patent has significant positive effects on employment, output and public research funding both in periods before, during and after it is filed. The effects are largest at the extensive margins, i.e. largest for firms without any prior patent applications. Additional patents have small or insignificant effects. We also find that there is a negative correlation between R&D support and age. The overall finding is therefore that patents are important in the early in the life-cycle of firms.

Ansprechpartner: David Heller

Seminar  |  27.10.2021 | 15:00  –  16:15

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Sharpen Your Sword – The Reaction of Branded Pharmaceutical Firms to the Threat of Generic Entry

Elie Sung (HEC Paris)

Seminare finden derzeit im Online-Format statt (siehe Seminarseite).

Pharmaceutical firms produce patents related to existing drugs even after approval by the US Food and Drug Administration. We investigate the reasons behind this strategy and relate them to generic entry threats. Estimating difference-in-differences models saturated with fixed effects, we show the threat of generic entry via Paragraph IV challenges induces pharmaceutical firms to increase the number of patents they add to an FDA-approved drug application. This strategy is aimed at fencing the firms’ existing drugs as we find no evidence that firms generate new drugs or modifications to the existing drugs after a Paragraph IV challenge. Additionally, we provide evidence showing that the added patents are negatively related to the hazard of generic entry. Consistent with patents being a double-edged sword, which protects drugs but reveals information to competitors, we find that listing all patents at the filing of a drug application is not as effective against generic entry as adding them later on.

Ansprechpartner: Fabian Gaessler

Seminar  |  20.10.2021 | 11:00  –  12:15

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Current Status and Research Subjects of International Industry-Academia Collaborative Research

Yukiko Murakmi (Waseda University)

Seminare finden derzeit im Online-Format statt (siehe Seminarseite).

International industry-academia collaborative research(IIACR)is a developing form of R&D for creating new knowledge and stimulating innovation. However, it is difficult to pursue because of the substantial institutional distance between industry and academia as well as the significant geographical distances between various countries. This year, we launched a research project on IIACR targeting Germany, Japan, and the United States to discover the factors behind success in IIACR. We will make presentations on the current status of IIACR, research framework, and research methods.

Ansprechpartnerin: Cristina Rujan

Seminar  |  15.07.2021, 15:00

TIME Kolloquium

Joy Wu (ISTO), Ali Samei (TUM)  (auf Einladung)


Privacy-Seeking Behavior in the Personal Data Market
Referentin: Joy Wu (ISTO)

Firms are looking to commercialize, trade, and monetize the personal data they collect and receive from consumers. Internet users regularly choose to disclose and share their personal data in return for goods and services. This study examines whether a data recipient's ability to exploit data in a secondary market can motivate users' privacy behavior. An online experiment elicited individuals' willingness and reservation prices for sharing their personally-identifiable psychometric data when faced with real privacy consequences. I found that individuals' information disclosure behaviors were misaligned with their willingness to allow data recipients to monetize their data and trade with a third party. Individuals behaved more privately---by refusing to share data or by demanding greater benefits in exchange for privacy losses---when they became more aware of a data recipient's ability to sell their data for money. Moreover, when individuals considered allowing access to and exposing their data to many recipients, the privacy responses were weaker than the responses to  just one recipient's exploitation abilities.

Performance-related CEO Dismissal and Innovation Performance
Referent: Ali Samei (TUM)

Among different types of CEO turnovers, performance-related CEO dismissals are usually a response to the request by unhappy shareholders to turn around a troubled firm. This may have negative long-term consequences for firms if the pressure to deliver short-term returns disincentivizes newly appointed CEOs from pursuing relatively risky and uncertain, but important, long-term growth strategies. In this study, using a sample of CEO turnover events among S&P 1500 firms over 18 years, we find that (only) performance-related CEO dismissals have a long-lasting negative effect on the amount of innovation a firm produces starting from the year immediately following a dismissal. Our results also show that the higher percentage of informed institutional investors, higher voting power of board directors, and the existence of a family relative of the CEO among the board of directors, will reverse or weaken the negative effect of performance-related CEO dismissal on innovation. We provide several robustness tests to rule out alternative explanations. The paper thus provides important insights into the potential negative long-term consequences of the CEO dismissals for firms and how these consequences can be mitigated.

Seminar  |  14.07.2021 | 15:00  –  16:15

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: The Role of Telemedicine During the COVID19 Pandemic

Jeffrey McCullough (University of Michigan) präsentiert zwei Forschungsprojekte zum Thema.

Seminare finden derzeit im Online-Format statt (siehe Seminarseite).

Gender Bias in Remote Service Delivery – Evidence from Healthcare

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a massive shift to the remote delivery of services. In this paper, we examine if the gender of the service provider moderates this transition. Specifically, we utilize data on in-person and virtual primary healthcare to study if the gender of the physician affects the shift to virtual healthcare. We find that female physicians experienced a 5.7% larger reduction in the delivery of services via conventional methods during the pandemic. Although female providers delivered a greater extent of their services digitally (2.2%), they suffered a net decrease in the services they provided (3.4%). For female physicians, the likelihood of having a child in the household was correlated with the amount of virtual services provided. However, correlations between being a parent and digital delivery of service were absent for male physicians.  Relative to their male colleagues, female healthcare providers with lower autonomy (such as nurse practitioners and physician assistants) did not use a significantly higher amount of telemedicine. Their digital service provision was also uncorrelated with being a parent. Finally, women’s presence in firms increased remote service delivery – physicians of both genders in majority-female clinics provided significantly more telemedicine. Overall, female physicians experienced a 2.36 percentage point lower reimbursement relative to male physicians during the initial period of the COVID-19 pandemic. These results underscore the gendered difference of the shift to remote services, implications for mothers, low autonomy workers, and institutions.

Does Telemedicine Transcend Disparities or Create a Digital Divide? Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic

We examine telemedicine utilization during the COVID-19 pandemic. Advocates have argued that telemedicine can overcome barriers in accessing healthcare and protect patients from contracting COVID-19. Rural and poor patients, for example, would not need to make expensive and time-consuming trips to healthcare facilitates when using telemedicine. Conversely, telemedicine adoption may depend on broadband access and technology skills, which could create a digital divide and exacerbate disparities. We study these questions using data on virtual and conventional care from a large commercial insurer. Telemedicine utilization soared during the pandemic. We further find that telemedicine utilization was concentrated in urban and affluent markets. We attribute this to two factors. First, telemedicine use was correlated with broadband penetration. Second, telemedicine adoption was much higher for patients with an established healthcare provider relationship (i.e., received care in the same health system in the previous year). We also find that telemedicine utilization was lower among older patients and comorbidities; cohorts with the greatest risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19. Without further intervention, telemedicine could exacerbate existing health care disparities.

Ansprechpartnerin: Lucy Xiaolu Wang

Tagung  |  09.07.2021, 14:00

New Directions in the European Union’s Innovation Policy?

Tagung des Instituts in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Alumni-Verein


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