Die Max Planck Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminarreihe der wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Abteilung, vormals Brown Bag-Seminar, wurde kurz nach deren Einrichtung im Jahr 2013 ins Leben gerufen. Sie ist mittlerweile eine fest etablierte Größe in der Münchner Forschungslandschaft und darüber hinaus. Die Seminare finden üblicherweise in wöchentlichem Turnus statt und sind auch für externe Forschende und Studierende offen. Seit Einrichtung der Seminarreihe haben mittlerweile über 240 Gastvorträge stattgefunden.
Hier können Sie sich zur Mailing-Liste für Seminareinladungen anmelden oder senden Sie uns eine E-Mail an ie-seminar-list(at)ip.mpg.de. Zur Datenschutzerklärung.
Seminare finden derzeit in unterschiedlichen Formaten statt: in Präsenz, hybrid, online. Informationen dazu werden über den Einladungsverteiler versandt (siehe oben).
Hongyuan Xia
Cornell University
Seminartitel wird noch bekannt gegeben.
Maria Roche
Harvard Business School
Seminartitel wird noch bekannt gegeben.
Colleen Cunningham
University of Utah
Seminartitel wird noch bekannt gegeben.
Alexander Donges
Universität Mannheim
Seminartitel wird noch bekannt gegeben.
Ariel D. Stern
Hasso Plattner Institute
Seminartitel wird noch bekannt gegeben.
Elie Sung
HEC Lausanne
Seminartitel wird noch bekannt gegeben.
Frank Nagle
Harvard Business School
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Generative AI and the Nature of Work
Jiayi Bao
Mays Business School, Texas A&M University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Generative AI and Entrepreneurial Entry
Melissa Newham
ETH Zürich
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Acquiring R&D Projects – Who, When, and What? Evidence from Antidiabetic Drug Development
Irma Klünker
Leibniz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures, Weizenbaum-Institut
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Can Patent Sequence Data Be Used as an Indicator for Pathogen Access and Benefit-Sharing?
Charu Gupta
UCLA Anderson
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Beyond the Label – Regulatory Slack and Forum Shopping in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Antoine Dechezleprêtre
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Firm Heterogeneity in Carbon Productivity – Evidence from Representative Cross-Country Micro Data
Alice Wu
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Reveal or Conceal? Employer Learning in the Labor Market for Computer Scientists
Karin Hoisl
Universität Mannheim
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Lost Marie Curies – How Do They Get Lost and What Happens to Their Careers?
Jeffrey Reuer
Purdue University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Alliance Governance and Design
Sam Arts
KU Leuven
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Harnessing Academic Science for Corporate Technology – The Role of Interpersonal Networks and Brokers
Marina Schröder
Universität Hannover
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: An Experimental Analysis of Input- versus Output-Based Incentives in Idea Generation
Po-Hsuan Hsu
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: The Limits of Firm Fixed Effects Models, and New Econometric Methodologies to Recover the Missing R&D-Patent Relation.
Carolyn Stein
UC Berkeley
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: The Wandering Scholars – Understanding the Heterogeneity of University Commercialization
Rembrand Koning
Harvard University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: The Uneven Impact of Generative AI on Entrepreneurial Performance
Manuel Hermosilla
University of Illinois at Chicago
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Leveraged Pull/Push in Biosimilar Penetration
Dennis Park
University of Texas at Dallas
IInnovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Corporate Venture Capitalists and the Sale of Patents by High-Tech Startups
Kazuyuki Motohashi
University of Tokyo
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Quantifying the Differences of Innovation Process in China, Japan and the United States by Document Level Concordance between Patents and Web Contents
Michael Park
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Caring but Sharing Unintentionally – Lobbying for Technology and the Leakage of Knowledge
Lee Fleming
UC Berkeley
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Scientist-Inventor Crosswalk Data
Sina Khoshsokhan
University of Colorado Boulder
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: The Costs They Are a-Rising – Commercialization Costs and the Innovation Process in Drug Development
Xiang Yu
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Promoting Ethical and Sustainable Innovation in the Era of Generative AI - Comparative Analysis on Laws, Regulations and Cases in China and EU
Florian Ederer
Boston University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: A Tale of Two Networks – Common Ownership and Product Market Rivalry
Koichiro Onishi
Waseda University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Information Advantage or Bias Related to Social Ties – Evidence from a Peer Review System for National Research Grants
Pietro Santoleri
Europäische Kommission
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: The Impact of Mobility Grants on Researchers
Vera Rocha
Copenhagen Business School
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Beyond Bars: How Sentence Types Shape Ex-Felons’ Transition into Entrepreneurship and Reintegration
Egbert Amoncio
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Using Computer Vision to Measure Design Similarity – An Application to US Design Rights
Sébastien Houde
HEC Lausanne
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: The Moral Cost of Carbon
Matt Higgins
University of Utah
Innovation &
Karin Hoisl
Universität Mannheim
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Lost Marie Curies - How Do They Get Lost and What Happens to Their Careers?
Jeffrey Reuer
Purdue University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Alliance Governance and Design
Sam Arts
KU Leuven
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Harnessing Academic Science for Corporate Technology – The Role of Interpersonal Networks and Brokers
Marina Schröder
Universität Hannover
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: An Experimental Analysis of Input- versus Output-Based Incentives in Idea Generation
Po-Hsuan Hsu
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: The Limits of Firm Fixed Effects Models, and New Econometric Methodologies to Recover the Missing R&D-Patent Relation.
Carolyn Stein
UC Berkeley
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: The Wandering Scholars – Understanding the Heterogeneity of University Commercialization
Rembrand Koning
Harvard University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: The Uneven Impact of Generative AI on Entrepreneurial Performance
Manuel Hermosilla
University of Illinois at Chicago
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Leveraged Pull/Push in Biosimilar Penetration
Dennis Park
University of Texas at Dallas
IInnovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Corporate Venture Capitalists and the Sale of Patents by High-Tech Startups
Kazuyuki Motohashi
University of Tokyo
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Quantifying the Differences of Innovation Process in China, Japan and the United States by Document Level Concordance between Patents and Web Contents
Michael Park
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Caring but Sharing Unintentionally – Lobbying for Technology and the Leakage of Knowledge
Lee Fleming
UC Berkeley
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Scientist-Inventor Crosswalk Data
Sina Khoshsokhan
University of Colorado Boulder
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: The Costs They Are a-Rising – Commercialization Costs and the Innovation Process in Drug Development
Xiang Yu
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Promoting Ethical and Sustainable Innovation in the Era of Generative AI - Comparative Analysis on Laws, Regulations and Cases in China and EU
Florian Ederer
Boston University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: A Tale of Two Networks – Common Ownership and Product Market Rivalry
Koichiro Onishi
Waseda University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Information Advantage or Bias Related to Social Ties – Evidence from a Peer Review System for National Research Grants
Pietro Santoleri
Europäische Kommission
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: The Impact of Mobility Grants on Researchers
Vera Rocha
Copenhagen Business School
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Beyond Bars: How Sentence Types Shape Ex-Felons’ Transition into Entrepreneurship and Reintegration
Egbert Amoncio
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Using Computer Vision to Measure Design Similarity – An Application to US Design Rights
Sébastien Houde
HEC Lausanne
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: The Moral Cost of Carbon
Matt Higgins
University of Utah
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Don’t Throw the Baby Out With the Bathwater – Firm Response to Downstream Product Shocks
Florenta Teodoridis
USC Marshall
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Overcoming the Division of Labor in Scientific Research for Complementary Innovation – Evidence from Quantum Computing
Hanna Hottenrott
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Local Business Networks and New Firm Formation
Hyo Kang
USC Marhall
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Cross-border Visits and Scientific Collaboration
Patrick Gaulé
Bristol University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: India’s Missing Billion
Jacob Moscona
Harvard / MIT
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Flowers of Invention – Patent Protection and Productivity Growth in US Agriculture
Olof Ejermo
Lund University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Academia and Children in Sweden – Publication Productivity and Survival
Seminar: Don’t Throw the Baby Out With the Bathwater – Firm Response to Downstream Product Shocks
Florenta Teodoridis
USC Marshall
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Overcoming the Division of Labor in Scientific Research for Complementary Innovation – Evidence from Quantum Computing
Hanna Hottenrott
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Local Business Networks and New Firm Formation
Hyo Kang
USC Marhall
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Cross-border Visits and Scientific Collaboration
Patrick Gaulé
Bristol University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: India’s Missing Billion
Jacob Moscona
Harvard / MIT
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Flowers of Invention – Patent Protection and Productivity Growth in US Agriculture
Olof Ejermo
Lund University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Academia and Children in Sweden – Publication Productivity and Survival
Tim Simcoe
Boston University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Learning When to Quit – An Empirical Model of Experimentation in Standards Development
Benedict Probst
ETH Zürich
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Net-Zero Innovation and Entrepreneurship Lab – Accelerating the Transition Towards a Net-Zero Emissions Economy (intern)
Sören Auer
TIB / Leibniz Universität Hannover
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Facilitating Transfer and Innovation by Organizing Scientific Contributions in a Knowledge Graph
Maximilian Todtenhaupt
Leibniz Universität Hannover / NHH
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Are Domestic Workers Affected by Foreign Tax Changes?
Emilio Zagheni
Emilio Zagheni (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research)
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Global Migration of Scholars – Trends, Patterns with Economic Development, and Gender Inequalities
Katrin Hussinger
Université du Luxembourg
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Estimating the Hidden Population of Misconducting Authors in Medical Sciences
Shreekanth Mahendiran
University of Lausanne
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Silence of the Lambs – The Effects of Misconduct on Entrepreneurial Venture Outcomes
Iuliia Gernego & Tetiana Shkoda
Kyiv National Economic University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Research Seminar: Startup Role in Post-war Rebuilding of the Ukrainian Economy / Innovative Entrepreneurship in Turbulent Times of War in Ukraine (intern)
Michaël Bikard
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Standing on the Shoulders of (Male) Giants – Gender Inequality and the Technological Impact of Scientific Ideas
Ulrike Morgalla
Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: The Effect of Disasters on Innovation Efforts (intern)
Luke Rhee
UC Irvine
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Borrowing Networks for Innovation – The Role of Attention for Secondhand Brokerage
Özge Öner
University of Cambridge
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Co-ethnic Commuters, Information Dissemination, and the Labor Market Integration of Immigrants
Sadao Nagaoka
Tokyo Keizai University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Language Barriers and the Speed of Knowledge Diffusion (intern)
Christian Sternitzke
Sternitzke Ventures
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Privacy vs. Health? The EU General Data Protection Regulation and Its Impact on Clinical Research
Reddi Rayalu Kotha
Singapore Management University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: How Does War Story Sharing by Successful Entrepreneurs Shape Entrepreneurship Training? Evidence from a Field Experiment
Tatiana Rosá
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Cooperation and Competition – The Case of Innovation in the Telecommunications Sector
Marc J. Lerchenmüller
Universität Mannheim
Innovation & Entrepreneurhip Seminar: The Effect of Mentor Gender on the Evaluation of Protégés’ Work
Kieu-Trang Nguyen
Northwestern University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Trust and Innovation within the Firm – Evidence from Matched CEO-Firm Data
Xia Yu
Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST) Wuhan
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Technology Transfer in China and New Technologies
Kevin Bauer
Universität Mannheim
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Please Take Over – Xai, Delegation of Authority, and Domain Knowledge
07.06.2023 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Erin Hengel
London School of Economics
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Gender and the Time Cost of Peer Review
Ryan Riordan
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Carbon Liquidity
Anne Sophie Lassen
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Seminar: The Lost Ester Boserups – The Impact of Parenthood on Academic Careers
Gabriel Cavalli
University of Toronto
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Seminar: How Scientific Organizations Adapt to Novel Methodological Advances – The Impact of AlphaFold V1
John P. Walsh
Georgia Tech
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: What Share of Patents Is Commercialized?
Ali Aslan Gümüşay
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: A Research Potpourri – Innovative Templates, Circular Forms of Organizing, and Futures
Enrico De Monte
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Seminar: High Growth Firms in Germany and Business Dynamism
Sophie Quach
WU Wien
Innovation & Entrepreneuship Seminar: User Innovators’ Fairness Perceptions When Firms Commercialize Freely Revealed User Innovations
Jörn Block
Universität Trier
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Trademarks and Patents as Indicators of Social and Environmental Innovation
Ilja Kantorovich
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Consumer Privacy and Value of Consumer Data
Lia Sheer
Tel Aviv University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: The Effect of Public Science on Corporate R&D
Sebastian Goerg
TU München
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Motivated Belief Updating and Rationalization of Information
Joseph Staudt
US Census Bureau
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Faculty Entrepreneurship and the Gender Earnings Gap
30.11.2022 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Mike Teodorescu
University of Washington
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Closing the Gender Gap in Patenting – Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial at the USPTO
Jeffrey A. Lefstin
UC Hastings
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Invention and Discovery
Paul Momtaz
TU München
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: The Brokered Market for Patents
26.10.2022 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Wes Greenblatt
MIT Sloan
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Does Grant Peer Review Penalize Scientific Risk Taking? Evidence from the NIH
19.10.2022 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Ran Zhuo
Harvard University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Exploit or Explore? An Empirical Study of Resource Allocation in Scientific Labs
27.07.2022 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Nur Ahmad
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: The Big Reveal – Tight Labor Market and Firm-level Disclosure Strategy in Artificial Intelligence Research
21.07.2022 – Hybrid-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Dennis Verhoeven
Bocconi University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Efficient Industrial Policy for Innovation – Standing on the Shoulders of Hidden Giants
06.07.2022 – Hybrid-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Lorenzo Ductor
Universidad de Granada
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Why Are Connections to Editorial Board Members of Economics Journals Valuable?
22.06.2022 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Nilam Kaushik
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB)
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Disambiguating Effects of Knowledge versus Demographic “Diversity” in the Innovation Process – Field Experimental Evidence from a Collaborative Product Development Platform
15.06.2022 – Hybrid-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Martin Kretschmer
University of Glasgow
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Copyright, the Digital Services Act, and the New Wave of Platform Regulation - A UK Perspective
01.06.2022 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Kevin Boudreau
Northeastern University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Gender Differences in Responses to Competitive Organization? Field Experimental Evidence on Differences Across Fields from a Product Development Platform
11.05.2022 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Jacquelyn Pless
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Innovation for Social Progress – When Imperfect Appropriability Meets “Incorrect” Prices
04.05.2022 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Patrick Lehnert
Universität Zürich
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Proxying Economic Activity with Daytime Satellite Imagery – Filling Data Gaps Across Time and Space
27.04.2022 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Andrea Mina
Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: The Direction of Technical Change in AI and the Trajectory Effects of Government Funding
05.04.2022 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Astrid Marinoni
Georgia Tech
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Who Gains from Creative Destruction? Evidence from High-Quality Entrepreneurship in the United States
30.03.2022 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Claudia Steinwender
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Omnia Juncta in Uno – Foreign Powers and Trademark Protection in Shanghai’s Concession Era
23.03.2022 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Josh Feng
University of Utah
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Social Push and the Direction of Innovation
23.02.2022 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Thomas Schaper
TU München
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Online Repositories, Search Costs and Cumulative Innovation
16.02.2022 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Laurina Zhang
Boston University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Salary Transparency, Gender Pay Inequality, and Organizational Outcomes – Evidence from Canadian Universities
15.12.2021 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Lee Fleming
UC Berkeley
Innovation & Entrepreneuship Seminar: Startups, Unicorns, and the Local Supply of Inventors
24.11.2021 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Cindy Lopes-Bento
KU Leuven
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Satisfied or Money Back – Should Policy Keep Educating PhD Holders despite Market Frictions?
17.11.2021 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Anika Stephan-Korus
BMW & HES Fribourg
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Members or Mavericks? Organizational Identification Dynamics during Secret Innovation Projects
10.11.2021 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Annamaria Conti
HEC Lausanne
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Beefing It up for Your Investor? Open Sourcing and Startup Funding – Evidence from Github
03.11.2021 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Øivind Nilsen
Norwegian School of Economics
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: When Patents Matter
27.10.2021 - Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Elie Sung
HEC Paris
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Sharpen Your Sword – The Reaction of Branded Pharmaceutical Firms to the Threat of Generic Entry
20.10.2021 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Yukiko Murakmi
Waseda University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Current Status and Research Subjects of International Industry-Academia Collaborative Research
15.09.2021 - auf Einladung
Johanna Schnier
Kühne Logistics University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: The Sky is the Limit: The Bias Against Large Projects
14.07.2021 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Jeffrey McCullough
University of Michigan
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: The Role of Telemedicine During the COVID19 Pandemic
30.06.2021 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Dirk Bergemann
Yale University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Selling Impressions
16.06.2021 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Britta Glennon
University of Pennsylvania & NBER
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: The Gender Gap in Scientific Credit
26.05.2021 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Giada Di Stefano
Bocconi University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Burying the Hatchet? How Competition Affects the Performance Benefits of Diversity
19.05.2021 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Otto Toivanen
Aalto University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Welfare Effects of R&D Policies
12.05.2021 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Lisa Larrimore Ouellette
Stanford Law School
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Valuing the Vaccine
05.05.2021 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Ina Ganguli
University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Biased Beliefs and Entry into Scientific Careers
28.04.2021 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Petra Moser
(NYU Stern)
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Women in Science ‒ Lessons from the Baby Boom
31.03.2021 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Stefan Wagner
ESMT Berlin
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Mapping Markush Patents
17.03.2021 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Erik Hornung
Universität zu Köln
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Flow of Ideas: Economic Societies and the Rise of Useful Knowledge
24.02.2021 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Georg Graetz
Uppsala University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Individual Consequences of Occupational Decline
17.02.2021 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Ivan Png
National University of Singapore
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Automation, Job Design, and Productivity – Field Evidence
10.02.2021 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Nan Jia
USC Marshall
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Can Artificial Intelligence Substitute or Complement Managers? Divergent Outcomes for Transformational and Transactional Managers in a Field Experiment
09.12.2020 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Olga Shurchkov
Wellesley College
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: COVID-19 Disruptions Disproportionately Affect Female Academics
02.12.2020 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Gaétan de Rassenfosse
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Is the Patent System an Even Playing Field?
25.11.2020 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Ernest Miguelez
CNRS-GREThA, Université de Bordeaux
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Global Mobile Inventors
11.11.2020 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Ariel D. Stern
Harvard Business School
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Product Recalls and New Product Development – Own Firm Distractions and Competitor Firm Opportunities
04.11.2020 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Marlène Koffi
University of Toronto
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Innovative Ideas and Gender Inequality
28.10.2020 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Ramana Nanda
Harvard Business School
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Sampling Bias in Entrepreneurial Experiments
21.10.2020 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Melissa Wasserman und Michael Frakes
UT Austin/Duke University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: A Prescription for Rising Drug Prices – Enhanced Patent Examination
30.09.2020 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Florenta Teodoridis und Jeff Furman
USC Marshall/Boston University & NBER
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Measuring the Direction of Innovation – Frontier Tools in Unassisted Machine Learning
23.09.2020 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Maria Kurakina
University of Utah
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: The Dark Side of Patents – Effects of Strategic Patenting on Firms and Their Peers
29.07.2020 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Antoinette Schoar
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Worker Sorting, Efficiency and Development
22.07.2020 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Bruce Weinberg
The Ohio State University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Publish or Perish – Selective Attrition as a Unifying Explanation for Patterns in Innovation over the Career
15.07.2020 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Chirantan Chatterjee
IIM Ahmedabad
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Science, Pathogenic Outbreak and Market Structure – Evidence from the 2010 NDM-1 Superbug Discovery and Indian Antibiotics Market
08.07.2020 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Sanjeev Goyal
University of Cambridge
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Large Scale Experiments on Networks – A New Platform With Applications
24.06.2020 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Michael Ransom
Brigham Young University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: How the Academic Labor Market Rewards Joint Work – Exploring the Coauthor Premium
27.05.2020 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Guido Bünstorf
Universität Kassel
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Doctoral Training Outside the University – Public Research Institutes, Industry and Human Capital Formation in the German System of Research and Innovation
13.05.2020 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Maria Roche
Georgia Tech
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Lowering the Bar? External Conditions, Opportunity Costs, and High-Tech Startup Outcomes
29.04.2020 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Mark McCabe
SKEMA/Boston University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Scientific Prizes and Post-Award Attention – Evidence From The Nobel Prize in Economics
15.04.2020 – Online-Veranstaltung (auf Einladung)
Georg von Graevenitz
Queen Mary University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: The Problem of Earlier Rights – Evidence from the European Trademark System
Marieke Huysentruyt
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: How Do Nascent Social Entrepreneurs Respond to Rewards? A Field Experiment on Motivations in a Grant Competition
Lea Heursen
HU Berlin
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Are Women Less Effective Leaders Than Men?
Tetsuo Wada
Gakushuin University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: International Spillovers Between Patent Examination Results – Evidence From Rejection Citations at the Trilateral Offices
Alexander Tekles
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: (How) Can Disruptiveness of Scientific Publications Be Measured?
Cesare Righi
Boston University
Brown Bag-Seminar: Do Patent Continuations Increase Litigation?
Ben Jones
Kellogg School of Management
Brown Bag-Seminar: The Social Returns to Innovation
Edoardo Ferrucci
LUISS Business School
Brown Bag-Seminar: Free Access to Scientific Knowledge: Sci-Hub As A Natural Experiment
Erina Ytsma
Carnegie Mellon University
Brown Bag-Seminar: Effort and Selection Effects of Performance Pay in Knowledge Creation
Daniela Sele
ETH Zürich
Brown Bag-Seminar: Algorithmic Explanations in the Field
Tom Grad
Copenhagen Business School
Brown Bag-Seminar: Strategic Behavior in Contests with Ability Heterogeneous Agents: Evidence from Field Data
Susanne Brucksch
DIJ Tokio
Brown Bag-Seminar: Innovation Activities and Medtech Partnerships in Japan
Pere Arque-Castells
University of Groningen
Brown Bag-Seminar: Measuring the Private and Social Returns to R&D: Unintended Spillovers Versus Technology Markets
Susanne Beck
Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft
Brown Bag-Seminar: What’s the Problem? How Crowdsourcing Contributes to Identifying Scientific Research Questions
Aldo Geuna
University of Turin
Brown Bag-Seminar: International Knowledge Flows Between Industry Inventors and Universities: The Role of Multinational Companies
Marco van der Leij
University of Amsterdam
Brown Bag-Seminar: On the Influence of Top Journals
Sampsa Samila
IESE Business School
Brown Bag-Seminar: Female Inventors and Inventions
Martin Watzinger
LMU München
Brown Bag-Seminar: Disclosure and Cumulative Innovation: Evidence from the Patent Depository Library Program
Mercedes Delgado
MIT Sloan School, visiting Copenhagen Business School
Brown Bag-Seminar: Catalysts for Gender Inclusion in Innovation: The Role of Universities and their Top Inventors
Volker Lindenthal
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Brown Bag-Seminar: Persecution and Escape: The Fate of Skilled Jews in Nazi Germany
Nicola Lacetera
University of Toronto
Brown Bag-Seminar: Leaning in or Not Leaning Out? Opt-out Choice Framing Attenuates Gender Differences in the Decision to Compete
Krista Saral
Geneva Webster
Brown Bag-Seminar: Characterizing the Entrepreneur Using Experimental Economics
Christian Helmers
Santa Clara University
Brown Bag-Seminar: The Impact of Government Funding on Science: Evidence from the U.S. Government Shutdown
Hanna Hottenrott
TU München
Brown Bag-Seminar: Multiple Institutional Affiliations in Academia
Martin Schmitz
Vanderbilt University
Brown Bag-Seminar: Knowledge Assessibility and Cumulative Innovation: Evidence from a Network-Econometric Analysis of the Introduction of the British Penny Post in 1840
Nicola Bianchi
Kellogg School of Management
Brown Bag-Seminar: Chains of Opportunity Revisited
Enrico Berkes
Ohio State University
Brown Bag-Seminar: Novel Ideas: The Effects of Carnegie Libriaries on Innovative Activities
Henning Piezunka
Brown Bag-Seminar: Learning-by-Participating: The Dynamics of Information Aggregation in Organizations
Marieke Roskes
VU Amsterdam
Brown Bag-Seminar: Reducing the Negative Effects of Avoidance Motivation on Creativity
Lorenzo Ductor
Universidad de Granada
Brown Bag-Seminar: Gender and Collaboration
Beth Webster
Swinburne University of Technology, Centre for Transformative Innovation
Brown Bag-Seminar: Which Australian Industries Produce Most R&D External Benefits?
Sandra Vengadasalam, James Lawton und Friederike Kleinfercher
Max Planck Digital Library
bloxberg - The Blockchain Consortium for Science / TechTalk - Details about the bloxberg Blockchain and its Smart Contracts
Bauke Visser
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Brown Bag-Seminar: The Value of Proximity to Power: The Case of Editorial Boards of Economics Journals
Henry Sauermann
ESMT Berlin
Brown Bag-Seminar: Academics’ Motives, Opportunity Costs and Commercial Activities Across Fields
Wolfgang Luhan
Portsmouth Business School
Brown Bag-Seminar: Ticket to Free Ride: Satisfaction Guaranteed and Mutual Distrust
Gabriele Cristelli
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Brown Bag-Seminar: Free Movement of Inventors: Open-Border Policy and Innovation in Switzerland
Tim Büthe und Cindy Cheng
TU München
Brown Bag-Seminar: How Many Lawyers Does It Take To Turn A Light Bulb? Competition Law, Judicial Independence, and Innovation
Emilio Ratieri
Eindhoven University of Technology
Brown Bag-Seminar: Knowledge Diffusion Through the Patent System: Evidence from the Invention Secrecy Act
Kirsten Hillebrand
Universität Bremen
Brown Bag-Seminar: The Social Dilemma of Big Data
Matthew Higgins
Georgia Tech, Scheller College of Business
Brown Bag-Seminar: Market Effects of Adverse Regulatory Events: Evidence From Drug Relabeling
Carsten Feuerbaum
KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Brown Bag-Seminar: Labor Supply and Automation Innovation
Bernhard Ganglmair
Brown Bag-Seminar: Visibility of Technology and Cumulative Innovation: Evidence from Trade Secrets Laws
Benjamin Balsmeier
Université de Luxembourg
Brown Bag-Seminar: Heterogeneous Innovation and the Antifragile Economy
Bettina Peters
Brown Bag-Seminar: Effectiveness and Efficacy of R&D Subsidies: Estimating Treatment Effects with One-sided Noncompliance
Katrin Hussinger
Université de Luxembourg
Brown Bag-Seminar: The Effects of Introduction of Patent Rights on University Science
Andreas Panagopoulos
University of Crete
Brown Bag-Seminar: Patents, Trade Secrets and the Diffusion of Artificial Intelligence
Olena Izhak
Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics
Brown Bag-Seminar: Optimal Patent Policy for the Pharmaceutical Industry
David Heller
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Brown Bag-Seminar: The Impact of Financial Resources on Corporate Inventions
Myra Mohnen
University of Essex
Brown Bag-Seminar: Knowledge Spillovers From Clean and Dirty Technologies
Justine Bulkaert
Université de Liège
Brown Bag-Seminar: Do the Rules Play the Game? SEP License Negotiations Under Evolving Regulation
Valerio Sterzi
Université de Bordeaux
Brown Bag-Seminar: Do Patent Assertion Entities Harm Innovation? Evidence from Patent Transfers in Europe
Shannon Heald
University of Chicago
Brown Bag-Seminar: Need-Solution Pairs: A Different Path to Insight and Innovation
Robin Stitzing
Nokia Technologies
Brown Bag-Seminar: Economics of Standard Development and Licensing Standard-Essential Patents
Theodor Vladasel
Copenhagen Business School
Brown Bag-Seminar: Same, but Different? Birth Order, Family Size, and Sibling Sex Composition Effects in Entrepreneurship
Jörg Hoffmann und Francisco Beneke
Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb
Brown Bag-Seminar: Digital Markets, Mobile Payments Systems and Development – Competition Policy Implications in Developing Countries in Light of the EU Experience
Lee Branstetter
Carnegie Mellon University
Brown Bag-Seminar: Starving (or Fattening) the Golden Goose: Generic Entry and the Incentives for Early-Stage Pharmaceutical Innovation
Christian Fons-Rosen
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Brown Bag-Seminar: Foreign Investment and Domestic Productivity: Identifying Knowledge Spillovers and Competition Effects
Raji Jayaraman
ESMT Berlin
Brown Bag-Seminar: The Effect of Choosing Teams and Ideas on Entrepreneurial Performance: Evidence from a Field Experiment
Christopher L. Magee
Institute for Data, Systems, and Society, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Brown Bag-Seminar: Challenges for Direct Quantitative Measurement of Technological Change
Christian Holthaus
TU Darmstadt
Brown Bag-Seminar: Problem Solving Without Problem Formulation: Documenting Need-solution Pairs in a Laboratory Setting
Justus Baron
Northwestern University
Brown Bag-Seminar: The Causal Effect of Standard-Essential Patents on Standard-Related Technological Innovation
Chirantan Chatterjee
Indian School of Business
Brown Bag-Seminar: Organize to Innovate: Intellectual Property Regimes: Technology Adoption and Firm Structure
Christian Helmers
Santa Clara University
Brown Bag-Seminar: The Effect of Patent Litigation Insurance: Evidence from NPEs
Taras Grendash
Brown Bag-Seminar: On The Accelerated Examination of Patents and its Impact On Commercialization
Maikel Pellens
ZEW Mannheim, KU Leuven
Brown Bag-Seminar: Guilt by Association: How Scientific Misconduct Harms Prior Collaborators
Georg von Graevenitz
Queen Mary University London
Brown Bag-Seminar: Patenting Strategies in the European Patent System
Lars Mewes und Tobias Ebert
Universität Hannover sowie ZEW Mannheim
Brown Bag-Seminar: Macro Psychological Characteristics Predict the Creation and Adoption of Radical Innovations in American Cities
Anne ter Wal
Imperial College Business School, ETH Zürich
Brown Bag-Seminar: Bridging the Gap: Network Activation and Mobilization of Boundary-Spanners Across the Industry-Academia Divide
Joel Stiebale
DICE, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Brown Bag-Seminar: Acquisitions, Markups, Efficiency, and Product Quality: Evidence from India
Elie Ji-Yun Sung
Georgia Institute of Technology
Brown Bag-Seminar: Evaluation of a Policy Change Weakening Patents and its Heterogeneous Effect on Firm Innovation
Michael E. Rose
University of Cape Town
Brown Bag-Seminar: Informal Intellectual Collaboration with Central Colleagues
Ludvig Levasseur
Ph.D., PSL-Université Paris-Dauphine
Brown Bag-Seminar: Venture Capital Research: Review and Mixed Methods Directions
Sen Chai
ESSEC Business School
Brown Bag-Seminar: How Firms Frame Catastrophic Failures
Michael Dahl
Aarhus University
Brown Bag-Seminar: Career Effects of Mental Health
Lutz Bornmann
Brown Bag-Seminar: Normalization of Citation Impact
Sabrina Howell
Brown Bag-Seminar: Learning from Feedback: Evidence from New Ventures
Dennis Verhoeven
KU Leuven
Brown Bag-Seminar: Potluck or Chef de Cuisine? Knowledge Diversity, Teams and Breakthrough Invention
Margaret Kyle
MINES ParisTech
Brown Bag-Seminar: Are Important Innovations Rewarded? Evidence from Pharmaceutical Markets
Alexander Oettl
Georgia Tech
Brown Bag-Seminar: Microgeography, Technology Adoption, and Entrepreneurial Learning
Michael Neumann
Universität Bayreuth
Brown Bag-Seminar: Functions and Conflicts of Patents in Public Basic Science
Roman Fudickar
TU München
Brown Bag-Seminar: Research at the Frontier of Knowledge: Comparing Text Similarity Indicators with Citations Counts to Measure Scientific Excellence
Veikko Thiele
Queen’s University
Brown Bag-Seminar: Deep Pockets and the Valuation of Start-ups
Florian Schuett
Tilburg University
Munich Innovation Seminar: Screening for Patent Quality – Examination, Fees, and the Courts
Mirco Draca
University of Warwick
Munich Innovation Seminar: Cascading Innovation
Ariel D. Stern
Harvard Business School
Brown Bag-Seminar: Software-Driven Innovation and Medical Technology
Simeon Schudy
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Brown Bag-Seminar: Incentivizing Complex Problem Solving in Teams - Evidence from a Field Experiment
Federica Coelli
Universität Oslo
Brown Bag-Seminar: Better, Faster, Stronger: Global Innovation and Trade Liberalization
Tim W. Dornis
Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Brown Bag-Seminar: Behind the Steele Curtain: An Empirical Study of Trademark Conflicts Law, 1952-2016
Thomas Astebro
HEC Paris
Brown Bag-Seminar: The Effects of a Training Program to Encourage Social Entrepreneurship
Corinna Coupette
Max-Planck-Institut für Steuerrecht und Öffentliche Finanzen
Brown Bag-Seminar: Measuring the Law - A Network Science Perspective on Constitutional Jurisprudence
Roya Ghafele
University of Oxford
Brown Bag-Seminar: What Patent Policy for the Internet of Things?
Malwina Mejer
Europäische Komission
Brown Bag-Seminar: Dual Trademark System in Europe
Cédric Gutierrez
HEC Paris
Brown Bag-Seminar: The Impact of Overconfidence and Ambiguity Attitude on Market Entry
Hanna Hottenrott
Technische Universität München
Brown Bag-Seminar: Direct and Cross Scheme Effects in a Research and Development Subsidy Program
Kenta Nakamura
Kobe University, Japan
Graduate School of Economics
Brown Bag-Seminar: Third Party Contributions to Patent Examination: Evidence from the Information Submission System in Japan
Karl Wennberg
Stockholm School of Economics
Brown Bag-Seminar: Government-sponsored Entrepreneurship Education: Can Less Be More?
Raphael Zingg
ETH Zürich
Brown Bag-Seminar: Protection Heterogeneity in a Harmonized European Patent System
Abbie Griffin
University of Utah
Brown Bag-Seminar: The Managerial Bias for High End Projects in New Product Development: Why Firms Have Trouble Innovating for the Bottom of the Pyramid
Paolo Zacchia
IMTSchool for Advanced Studies Lucca
Brown Bag-Seminar: Benefiting Colleagues but not the City: Localized Spillovers from the Relocation of Superstar Inventors
Mirjam van Praag
Copenhagen Business School
Brown Bag-Seminar: The "Entrepreneurial Boss" Effect on Employees' Future Entrepreneurship Choices: A Role Model Story?
Steffen Juranek
Norwegian School of Economics
Brown Bag-Seminar: Taxing Royalty Payments
Daniel Gross
Harvard Business School
Brown Bag-Seminar: Creativity Under Fire: The Effects of Competition on Creative Production
Marie und Jerry Thursby
Georgia Institute of Technology
Brown Bag-Seminar: The Managerial Bias for High End Projects in New Product Development: Why Firms Have Trouble Innovating for the Bottom of the Pyramid
Rinat Sergeev
Harvard University
Brown Bag-Seminar: Using Crowds to Crack Algorithmic Problems
Jana Gallus
UCLA Anderson School of Management
Brown Bag-Seminar: Fostering Public Good Contributions with Symbolic Awards: A Natural Field Experiment at Wikipedia
Malte Doehne
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Brown Bag-Seminar: Patent Oppositions in Networks: An Analysis of the Cosmetics Industry?
Stefan Wagner
European School of Management and Technology
Brown Bag-Seminar: Knowing Me, Knowing You: Inventor Mobility and the Formation of Technology-Oriented Alliances
Yassine Lefouili
Toulouse School of Economics
Brown Bag-Seminar: Cross-Licensing and Competition
Emeric Henry
Sciences Po
Brown Bag-Seminar: Social Motives and the Success of Organizations - Evidence from Open Source Software
Thomas Fackler
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Brown Bag-Seminar: Knowledge Remittances: Does Emigration Foster Innovation?
Pooyan Khashabi
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Institute for Strategy, Technology and Organization
Brown Bag-Seminar: Embracing the Sharks - The Impact of Information Exposure on the likelihood and Quality of CVC Investments
Oliver Baumann
University of Southern Denmark
Institut for Marketing & Management
Brown Bag-Seminar: Regulating Organizational Search: Internal Social Comparisons and Adaptation in Multi-Unit Firms
Eszter Czibor
University of Chicago
Department of Economics
Brown Bag-Seminar: Women Do Not Play Their Aces - The Consequences of Shying Away
Uwe Cantner
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Chair of Economics/Microeconomics
Brown Bag-Seminar: Innovation, Personality Traits and Entrepreneurial Failure
Justin Tumlinson
Ifo Institut
Ifo Center for Industrial Organisation and New Technologies
Brown Bag-Seminar: Unobserved Ability and Entrepreneurship
Jian Wang
University of Leuven
Brown Bag-Seminar: Bias against Novelty in Science: A Cautionary Tale for Users of Bibliometric Indicators
Alexandra Zaby
Universität Tübingen
Brown Bag-Seminar: The Economics of Patent Backlog
Travis Lybbert
University of California, Davis
Agricultural and Resource Economics
Brown Bag-Seminar: How Do Patents Shape Global Value Chains? International and Domestic Patenting and Value-Added Trade
Virgilio Failla
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Institut für Strategie, Technologie und Organisation
Brown Bag-Seminar: The Unpredictably Stable Entrepreneur
Marina Schröder
Universität zu Köln
Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Brown Bag-Seminar: Quantity, Usability, and Novelty: The Effects of Incentives on Creativity
Georg von Graevenitz
Queen Mary University, London
School of Business and Management
Brown Bag-Seminar: Does Google Trends Data Really Predict Car Sales?
Patrick Waelbroeck
Télécom ParisTech
Department of Economics and Social Sciences
Brown Bag-Seminar: On (Open) Access to Research in Developing Countries: Empirical Evidence from Article-Level Data
Lars Hornuf
Universität Trier
Volkswirtschaftliche Fakultät
Brown Bag-Seminar: Funding Dynamics in Crowdinvesting
Bronwyn Hall
University of California, Berkeley
Brown Bag-Seminar: Taxation and Patent Transfers
Mao Hao
SIPO, China
Intellectual Property Development & Research Center
Brown Bag-Seminar: Value of Patents and the Influencing Factors: Evidence from the Chinese Patent Survey
Steffen Juranek
Norwegian School of Economics
Brown Bag-Seminar: Investing in Legal Advice – What Determines the Costs of Enforcing Intellectual Property Rights?
Bronwyn Hall
University of California, Berkeley
Brown Bag-Seminar: Patent Thickets
Carlos Serrano
Universität Pompeu Fabra
Department of Economics and Business Economics
Brown Bag-Seminar: Patent Collateral, Investor Commitment, and the Market for Venture Lending
Susanne Prantl
Universität zu Köln
Department of Economics
Brown Bag-Seminar: Competition, Patents and Innovation
John Hagedoorn
Universität Maastricht
School of Business and Economics
Brown Bag-Seminar: The Co-Alignment of Open Innovation With Environmental Contingencies and Its Effect on Innovation Performance
Koichiro Onishi
Osaka Institute of Technology
Faculty of Intellectual Property
Brown Bag-Seminar: Monetary Incentives for Corporate Inventors
Bronwyn Hall
University of California, Berkeley
Brown Bag-Seminar: Technology Entry in the Presence of Patent Thickets
Paula Stephan
Georgia State University
Andrew Young School of Policy Studies
Brown Bag-Seminar: Relating Research Output to Funding: Bundling and Attribution Issues
Stefan Bechtold
ETH Zürich
Center for Law & Economics
Brown Bag-Seminar: The Causal Effects of Competition on Innovation: Experimental Evidence
Julia Lane
American Institutes for Research
Brown Bag-Seminar: Using Big Data to Describe the Results of Science Investments
Patrick Waelbroeck
Paris Tech
Brown Bag-Seminar: Online Copyright Enforcement: A Stochastic Model of the Graduated Response in France
Andreas Bielig
Warsaw School of Economics
Brown Bag-Seminar: Economic Impacts of Intellectual Property on the Competitiveness in International Trade
Kyriakos Drivas
University of Califorinia, Berkeley
College of Natural Recources
Brown Bag-Seminar: University Ownership, Patent Flow, and Signaling Effects of Licensing on Follow-on Research
Marie und Jerry Thursby
Georgia Institute of Technology
Scheller College of Business
Brown Bag-Seminar: The Nexus of University Science and Biopharmaceutical Applications
Travis Lybbert
UC Davis
Brown Bag-Seminar: An 'Algorithmic Links with Probabilities' Concordance for Trademarks with an Application to International Patent and Trademark Flows
Stephan Gutzeit
Oxford University
Merton College
Brown Bag-Seminar: Schumpeter's Entrepreneur as an Artist, Designer, and Idealist
Min Ren
Northwestern University
Kellog School of Management
Brown Bag-Seminar: When Big Data Meets Life Sciences: Data Reporting Standards and Innovation
Marc Gruber
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Entrepreneurship and Technology Commercialization
Brown Bag-Seminar: Interpretative Schema, Adaptation and the Emergence of New Organizations
Qinghai Li
Tongji University
School of Economics and Management
Brown Bag-Seminar: Strategisches IP-Management, Marketing- und Technologiemanagement
Nikolaus Thumm
European Commission Expert Group on Patent Aggregation
Brown Bag-Seminar: Patent Aggregation
Martin Watzinger
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Seminar für Komparative Wirtschaftsforschung
Brown Bag-Seminar: Measuring Spillovers of Venture Capital
Henning Piezunka
Stanford University
Huang Engineering Center
Brown Bag-Seminar: How Sellers Choose Intermediaries
Georg von Graevenitz
University of East Anglia, London
Brown Bag-Seminar: Conflict Resolution, Public Goods and Patent Thickets
Bronwyn Hall
University of California, Berkeley
Brown Bag-Seminar: Recent Research on the Economics of Patents
Tim Bresnahan
Stanford University
Brown Bag-Seminar: On Information Technology
Alexander Oettl
Georgia Institute of Technology
Scheller College of Business
Brown Bag-Seminar: Why Stars Matter?
Stuart Graham
Georgia Institute of Technology
Scheller College of Business
Brown Bag-Seminar: The USPTO Trademark Case Files Dataset
Marie und Jerry Thursby
Georgia Institute of Technology
Scheller College of Business
Brown Bag-Seminar: Patents as Signals for Startup Financing
Georg von Graevenitz
University of East Anglia, London
Brown Bag-Seminar: Quantitative Methods
Burton Lee
Stanford University
Brown Bag-Seminar: Boundary Conditions for Growth of Startups in Silicon Valley and European Clusters