4851 Publikationen gefunden.
Rivas, Victoria Rezension von: Obijiofor Aginam, John Harrington and Peter K. Yu (eds.), The Global Governance of HIV/AIDS. Intellectual Property and Access to Essential Medicines, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA 2013, 304 S., ISBN 978-1-84980-490-5 Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 4, 4 (2014), 328 - 331.
Botta, Marco Poena sine culpa? Comment on Schenker European Law Review 39, 4 (2014), 553 - 566 (gemeinsam mit Natalie Harsdorf, Karl Frewein).
Finck, Michele Above and Below the Surface: The Status of Sub-National Authorities in EU Climate Change Regulation Journal of Environmental Law 26, 3 (2014), 443 - 472.
Finck, Michele The Role of Localism in Constitutional Change: A Case Study The Journal of Law & Politics 30, 1 (2014), 53 - 95.
Moscon, Valentina Open Access in Italy Newsletter in IRIS 2014,1 (2014), 24.
Zappalaglio, Andrea Rezension von: Hein, Wolfgang; Moon, Suerie: Informal Norms in Global Governance. Human rights, intellectual property rules and access to medicines, Ashgate, Farnham 2013, XVIII, 241 S., ISBN 978-1-4094-2633-2 hbk. (2014) 130 (Jun) Law Review Quarterly, 524.
Zappalaglio, Andrea Go back to go forward? New Indications of Geographical Origin for a New Developmental Policy, University of Edinburgh 2014.
Locatelli, L. Indicações geográficas. O regulamento de uso e as indicações de procedência Direito e Justiça 14 (2014), 243 - 256 (gemeinsam mit Suelen Carls).
Beiträge in Sammelwerken
Carls, Suelen Indicações geográficas e sustentabilidade do patrimônio cultural imaterial: o caso da Cachaça de Paraty (RJ) in: C.A.H. Birnfeld, A.G. Antunes, L.E.B. de Araújo (Hg.), Direito e sustentabilidade I, Bd. 1, Florianópolis 2014, 484 - 505 (gemeinsam mit J.S. Albino).
Beiträge in Sammelwerken
Fontanela, C. Inovação aberta. Uma ponte entre universidades e empresas in: J.M. de L. Assafim, S.O. Boff, L.O. Pimentel (Hg.), Propriedade intelectual, transferência de tecnologia e inovação, FUNJAB, Florianópolis 2014, 235 - 252 (gemeinsam mit Suelen Carls).