Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht

Above and Below the Surface: The Status of Sub-National Authorities in EU Climate Change Regulation

Finck, MicheleAbove and Below the Surface: The Status of Sub-National Authorities in EU Climate Change Regulation Journal of Environmental Law 26, 3 (2014), 443 - 472.

European Union (EU) legal studies generally picture the Member States’ local and regional authorities as implementers of national and supranational norms rather than independent regulators. Yet, sub-national authorities (SNAs) have become active regulators in the context of climate change mitigation and adaptation, a role not foreseen by EU primary law, which this article understands to constitute the surface of EU law. This article examines regulatory activity of SNAs from the perspective of EU law. It illustrates that sub-national, national, supranational and international actors are engaged in a process of mutual learning and experimentation and that, below its surface, EU law recognises that SNAs are not mere implementers of norms but also independent regulators.

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