Dr. Albert Roger
Senior Research Fellow
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research
+49 89 24246-591
Persönliche Webseite
Umwelt- und Ressourcenökonomie, Innovation, Empirische Industrieökonomik
Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
11/2022 – heute
Senior Research Fellow am Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb (Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research)
05/2019 – 10/2022
Doktorand (Betreuer: Prof. Timo Goeschl, Ph.D.), Alfred-Weber-Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Universität Heidelberg
05/2015 – 11/2021
Forscher, ZEW – Leibniz -Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung, Forschungsbereich „Umwelt- und Ressourcenökonomik”, Umweltmanagement
09/2010 – 07/2013
Diplom-Ingenieur (Univ.), Maschinenwesen, Technische Universität München (TUM)
09/2005 – 05/2014
Hochschulabschluss Chemieingenieurwesen, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona
Beruflicher Werdegang
05/2014 – 04/2015
Freelance Consultant, u.a. Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
10/2013 – 03/2014
Praktikum, Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Eschborn
07/2013 – 10/2013
Studentische Hilfskraft, Lehrstuhl für Energiewirtschaft und Anwendungstechnik, Technische Universität München (TUM)
Artikel in referierten Fachzeitschriften
Optimizing Long-Term Investments for a Sustainable Development of the ASEAN Power System, Energy: The International Journal, 88, 180-193. DOI
(2015).- The electricity consumption in the ASEAN (Association of East Asian Nations) region is one of the fastest growing in the world and will lead to a dramatic increase in greenhouse gas emissions in the next decades. A decarbonization of the region's electricity supply is thus a very important measure when taking action on global climate change. This paper defines cost-optimal pathways towards a sustainable power system in the region by employing linear optimization. The proposed model simultaneously optimizes the required capacities and the hourly operation of generation, transmission, and storage. The obtained results show that all different kinds of renewable sources will have to be utilized, while none of them should have a share of more than one third. The findings give reason for setting up an ASEAN power grid, as it enables the transportation of electricity from the best sites to load centers and leads to a balancing of the fluctuations from wind and solar generation. We suggest fostering a diversified extension of renewables and to elaborate on political and technical solutions that enable the build up an transnational supergrid.
Beiträge in Sammelwerken
Outlook: Can Environmental Product Standards Enable Eco-Innovation?, in: Jens Horbach, Christiane Reif (
- Environmental product standards (EPS) certifying environmental product attributes are key for fostering sustainable consumption, which is an essential measure for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations. EPS, also called environmental labels or eco-labels, are intended to describe environmental features of consumer goods and raise consumers’ awareness about sustainability. By fostering sustainable consumption they can become one of the main policy instruments for tackling climate change. They can be mandatory, where the provision of information is compulsory, or voluntary. In both cases EPS aim at correcting the information asymmetry between consumers and providers. Evidence shows that demand-pull is a decisive factor for firms’ to voluntarily provide environmental quality. Thus, by enhancing consumers’ awareness, it can spur eco-innovation. Nevertheless, EPS have also raised some concerns about barriers to trade and “greenwashing”. Furthermore, the recent multiplication of EPS has fostered a label competition, confusing prospective consumers, and thus endangering potential sustainability benefits resulting from EPS. The aim of this chapter is to provide policymakers with an overview on how EPS can support eco-innovation. For this purpose we first describe the different types of labels and review evidence on the different impacts of EPS. Later on, we analyze drivers, benefits and barriers of adoption of EPS and their relation to eco-innovation and environmental performance. Finally, we provide an overview on new behavioral insights to EPS.
Essays on the Economics of Competition and Innovation under Environmental Regulation. Heidelberg: Heidelberg University.
(2022).Ehrungen, Stipendien, wissenschaftliche Preise
Umweltpreis der Viktor und Sigrid Dulger Stiftung für die Dissertation “Essays on the Economics of Competition and Innovation under Environmental Regulation”
Landesgraduiertenförderung (LGF), Abschlussbeihilfen-Programm, Universität Heidelberg
Estimating Technological Gains and Losses from Environmental Regulation
Jahrestagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Technologie, Innovation und Entrepreneurship (TIE), Goethe Universität Frankfurt
Ort: Frankfurt am Main
Estimating Technological Gains and Losses from Environmental Regulation
The Max Planck Climate Conference for a Sustainable Anthropocene, Harnack Haus
Ort: Berlin
Estimating Technological Gains and Losses from Environmental Regulation
TIME Colloquium, LMU
Ort: München
International Environmental Agreements, and the Timing and Direction of Technological Change: Evidence from the Kigali Amendment
Workshop on “The Role of Public Research and Innovation Measures on Mitigating Climate Change”, IfW Kiel
Ort: Kiel
Essays on the Economics of Competition and Innovation under Environmental Regulation
Sustainable Development – Young Researchers in Action, Universität Heidelberg
Ort: Heidelberg
International Environmental Agreements and the Timing and Direction of Technological Change: Evidence from the Kigali Amendment
9th ZEW/MaCCI Conference on the Economics of Innovation and Patenting
Ort: Mannheim
Patents as Options: Estimating Technological Gains and Losses from International Environmental Agreements
Annual Conference of the Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation (MaCCI)
Ort: Mannheim
Estimating Technological Gains and Losses from International Environmental Agreements: The Case of Stock Pollutants
IX International Academic Symposium: Energy Transition and Opportunities for Global Economic Recovery
Ort: Online