Rebeca Ferrero Guillén
Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht
Zukunftsweisende Technologien, Innovationsmodelle, Open Source, Online-Plattformen, Immaterialgüterrecht
Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
Seit 2021
Doktorandin am Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb
2018 – 2019
LL.M. Magister Lvcentinvs (IP Law), Universidad de Alicante
Masterarbeit: “3D printing: Revolution and threat in the Intellectual property sector”
Examen in Rechtswissenschaften, zugelassene Rechtsanwältin
2016 – 2017
Masterstudiengang Rechtspraxis, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Masterarbeit: “Fashion industry and Intellectual Property”
2012 – 2016
Bachelor-Abschluss in Rechtswissenschaften, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Erasmus+ Stipendium 2014 – 2015: Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris
Bachelorarbeit: “Copyright on the Internet” (mit Auszeichnung)
2020 – 2021
Pan-European Seal Trainee, CTO Office, Europäisches Patentamt (EPA), München
2019 – 2020
Pan-European Seal Trainee, Berufungskammern, European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), Alicante
2016 – 2017
Rechtsreferendarin, A2 Estudio legal (Anwaltskanzlei für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz), Madrid
Ehrungen und wissenschaftliche Preise
2014 – 2015
Erasmus+ Stipendium, Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris
Beiträge in Sammelwerken, Kommentierungen, Handbüchern und Lexika
Capítulo 5: Marcas y Diseños en el Metaverso: Cómo adentrarse en la "nueva" realidad virtual, in: Aurelio López-Tarruella Martínez (
Vagueness in Artificial Intelligence: The 'Fuzzy Logic' of AI-Related Patent Claims, Digital Society 2023, 1 - 25, 02.01.2023 (
- Artificial Intelligence is an emerging technology with an average growth rate of 64,70% in patent filings worldwide and 39,71% in Europe between 2015 and 2019, according to Espacenet queries. This trend has raised several concerns regarding the implications for Intellectual Property rights, including disclosure, which is one of the main components justifying the existence of the patent system. Despite its importance, this requirement has been disputed due to certain tendencies that distort the functions that the act of disclosure fulfils, such as promoting innovation, research, or teaching. With Artificial Intelligence-related patents being granted, the disclosure requirement is once again compromised, and perhaps even more due to the particularities that this branch of technology entails. In this sense, one main concern lies in the question of how Artificial Intelligence-related patents should be disclosed, as well as the fulfilment of this requirement. To this aim, two case studies are conducted to show the heterogeneity of compliance with this requirement, focusing on patents filed at the European Patent Office.
- Also published at SSRN
From Enemies to Allies: 3D Printing, IP and Sustainability, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 18, 5 (2023), 375 - 381. DOI
La comunicación al público y la relevancia de las medidas preventivas contra el "framing": La comunicación al público y la relevancia de las medidas preventivas contra el "framing", Revista Jurídica de Catalunya 120 (2021), 822 - 826.
Impresión Tridimensional: Retos y Oportunidades para la Cultura, Revista de Derecho de la Cultura 2 (2020).
Joint Report on the Online Workshop Trade Mark Law and Artificial Intelligence, 2022, 6
- On 22nd October 2021, Prof. Gangjee (University of Oxford), Prof. Senftleben (University of Amsterdam), and Dr. Moerland (University of Maastricht) brought together scholars, policymakers and private stakeholders to discuss the interface between artificial intelligence (AI) and trade marks.
So far, the scholarly debate on how AI influences intellectual property (IP) protection has mainly focused on its effects on patents and copyright. Not much attention has been devoted to the effects of the use of AI technology for trade mark law.
The online discussion aimed at opening the dialogue between trade mark scholars, AI developers and stakeholders. The purpose was two-fold. First, to understand how relevant AI tools process information relevant for brand-based commercial communication, as well as trade mark examination, infringement and enforcement, and what their limitations are. Second, based on that information, discuss the consequences for trade mark law and proposals to regulate AI systems and related data streams, identify areas of attention and suggest possible approaches towards current trade mark law and policy, including related areas, such as advertising rules and transparency obligations.
Andere Veröffentlichungen, Presseartikel, Interviews
The 'Right to Be Forgotten' Does Not Apply to Facts of Public Interest, GRUR Int 72, 2 (2023), 193 - 198. DOI
Risk of Irreconcilable Solutions in Cross-Border Patent Infringement Cases, GRUR Int 72, 2 (2023), 147 - 149. DOI
AdWords Trade Mark Infringement and the '1% Damages Rule' in Spain, GRUR Int 72, 6 (2023), 589 - 593.
COVID Passports Do Not Violate the Rights to Privacy and Data Protection (Translation from Spanish), GRUR Int 71, 9 (2022), 886 - 895. DOI
Third Parties’ Online Content and IP Infringement
Masterstudiengang in digitaler Kommunikation, Universidad de Alicante
Technology Democratisation in 3D Printing: An Interplay between the Law and Innovation Models
EIPIN Doctoral Seminar, Maastricht University
Ort: Maastricht, Niederlande
Round Table: “Technology Democratisation, SMES and IP”
EPIP 2021 Conference, CSIC
Ort: Madrid, Spanien
Technology Democratisation in 3D Printing: An Interplay between the Law and Innovation Models
EPIP PhD Workshop, CSIC
Ort: Madrid, Spanien