Dr. Ezgi Ediboğlu Sakowsky
Wissenschaftliche Referentin
Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht
Internationales Energie- und Umweltrecht, Rechtsvorschriften zum Klimawandel, Internationales Gesellschaftsrecht, Internationale Wirtschaftspolitik, Patentrecht, Technologietransfer
Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
Seit 01/2023
Wissenschaftliche Referentin
Abteilung Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht, Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb
11/2020 – 09/2021 und 05/2022 – 01/2023
Dozentin, Abteilung Internationale Beziehungen, Wissenschaftlich-technische Universität Adana, Türkei
10/2021 – 04/2022
Mercator-IPC Fellow, Istanbul Policy Center
09/2019 – 12/2019
Tutorin, Juristische Fakultät, Universität Aberdeen, UK
2016 – 2020
Promotion (Ph.D.) in Jura, Universität Aberdeen, UK
2017 – 2018
Co-Chefredakteurin, Aberdeen Student Law Review, Universität Aberdeen, UK
2015 – 2016
LL.M. in Internationalem Recht, Universität Aberdeen, UK
01/2014 – 04/2015
Kanzlei Aykul & Topçu, Rechtsreferendarin bis 09/2014, Rechtsanwältin seit 10/2014
09/2013– 12/2013
Kanzlei Turhan, Rechtsreferendarin
2009 – 2013
LL.B. Universität Istanbul, Türkei
Beratende und ehrenamtliche Tätigkeiten
10.06. – 13.06.2024
Bonn Climate Change Conference - SB60, Official Observer for the Max Planck Society
01/2024 – 12/2024
Mitorganisatorin und Mentorin, Arbeitsgruppe Maxminds der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
30.11. – 13.12.2023
Weltklimakonferenz Dubai COP28, Offizielle Beobachterin für die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Seit 04/2023
Mitbegründerin und wissenschaftliche Beraterin einer Forschungsgruppe zu Nahrungsmittelsicherheit (Gidanin Durumu)
02/2022 – 12/2022
Ehrenamtliche Beraterin, Planungsbüro der Stadtverwaltung Istanbul, Türkei
2018 – 2019
Doktorandenvertreterin, Juristische Fakultät, Universität Aberdeen, UK
2018 – 2019
Präsidentin, Legal Research Society of the University of Aberdeen, UK
Stipendien, wissenschaftliche Preise und Ehrungen
2015 – 2020
Stipendium für Master- und Promotionsstudium, Ministerium für Bildung der Türkei
The Most Outstanding Article Prize, University College of Dublin Law Review
Aberdeen Student Law Review Vol. 8, Aberdeen 2018 (
Beiträge in Sammelwerken, Kommentierungen, Handbüchern und Lexika
An Imported Problem? - Plastic Waste Effects on Türkiye’s Environment with Specific Emphasis on Relevant Multilateral Environmental Agreements, in: Sedat Gündoğdu (
- This chapter examines the impact of plastic waste on the environment in Türkiye, a major importer and generator of plastic waste. Poor waste management exacerbates the harmful effects of plastic waste on the land, the seas, and the air. We analyze whether waste management litigation and practices in Türkiye are in conformity with the country’s obligations under the Basel Convention. We further evaluate the impact of Türkiye’s waste management on plastic waste in Turkish seas according to regional sea regimes in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Lastly, we consider the emissions from plastic waste in Türkiye and argue that they are detrimental for air quality and for the achievement of the objectives of the United Nations climate change regime. Türkiye struggles to manage the large amount of plastic waste it generates and imports. This chapter indicates that Türkiye’s plastic waste management practices have serious environmental consequences. These practices also raise concerns about the country’s ability to fulfill its commitments and obligations under the aforementioned multilateral environmental agreements. Considering the country’s position in ongoing Plastic Treaty negotiations, a significant improvement in plastic waste management seems unlikely. We suggest that Türkiye withdraws itself from being a subject of the transfer of plastic waste pollution and improves its waste management practices by focusing on the execution of domestic regulations that comply with international standards.
Türkiye: A Climate Financing Opportunist?, in: Michael Kaeding, Johannes Pollak, Paul Schmidt (
- Türkiye finally ratified the Paris Agreement in 2021, declaring that Türkiye ‘will implement the Paris Agreement as a developing country’, thereby continuing its ongoing battle to be recognised as such under the United Nations climate change regime, a development which would prompt considerable climate financing. It was probably no coincidence that Türkiye ratified this Agreement after the World Bank, Germany and France had promised some additional bilateral climate financing. Considering that climate change-related activities have amounted to a very low percentage of public spending so far, a legitimate concern for Türkiye’s efforts emerges: is the country merely a climate finance opportunist?
Karadeniz’deki Ekolojik Krizin Hukuki Analizi ile Türkiye ve Rusya’nın Duruma Etkileri (The Legal Analysis of the Ecological Crisis in the Black Sea and the Effects of Turkey and Russia on the Issue), in: Elife H. Kılıçbeyli (
WTO's Environmental Goods: Technical and Legal Scope, in: Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Applied Informatics and Related Areas 2020, 52 - 56.
- http://ais.amk.uni-obuda.hu/proceedings/2020/AIS2020_Proceedings.pdf
- Event: 15th International Symposium on Applied Informatics and Related Areas, Székesfehérvár, Hungary, 2020-11-12
The Paris Agreement: Effectiveness Analysis of the New UN Climate Change Regime, University College of Dublin Law Review 17 (2017), 164 - 201.
Ecosystem Rights in Respect of Ecologic Law, Union of Turkish Bar Associations 121 (2015), 257 - 276.
- Rights of environmental law are regulated in several legislations such as the constitution and other laws. However, the inadequacy of the scope and wide base of regulations of the environmental law and environmental rights bring about the need of reregulation. As a result of this need, ecosystem rights, which approach the ecosystem as a subject, and ecological law, which covers a wider scope than the environmental law, have become a topic in the area of law. This article addresses the existing regulations, which include judicial and non-judicial ways, and the expectations on future regulations on ecosystem rights in accordance with ecological law.
- http://tbbdergisi.barobirlik.org.tr/m2015-121-1530
Regulating Genome-Edited Products – an International Trade Law Perspective (Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper, No. 24-13), 2024, 51
- This paper provides a preliminary assessment of the compliance of national marketing regulation concerning genome-edited food products with international trade law. It presents an overview of global regulatory trends in this area and focuses on the compatibility of the diverging regulatory approaches with World Trade Organization (WTO) law, particularly the Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) and the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT). Overall, the analysis finds significant potential for trade concerns under WTO law. As consumer choice is becoming the primary justification for labelling requirements, the focus of the assessment of NGT related measures will likely shift towards the TBT Agreement.
- Available at SSRN
30 Büyükşehir Belediyesinin Çevre Koruma ve İklim Değişikliği (ÇKİD) ile İlgili Performans Hedefleri: 2023 - 2024 İzleme Sonuçları (Environmental Protection and Climate Change (ÇKİD) Performance Targets of Thirty Metropolitan Municipalities: 2023 - 2024 Monitoring Results), 2024, 28
6 Şubat Depremi Öncesi ve Sonrası Büyükşehir Belediyelerinin Afete Yönelik Bütçeleri: 30 Büyükşehir Belediyesinin Afet ile ilgili Bütçelerinin Karşılaştırılması: 2022 - 2024 İzleme Sonuçları (Disaster-Oriented Budgets of Municipalities Before and After February 6 Earthquake: 30 Metropolitan Municipalities Comparison of Disaster Related Budgets: 2022 - 2024 Monitoring Results), 2024, 25
The Legal Personality of the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Climate Change Regime Treaties (Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper, No. 23-24), 2023, 19
- The Conference of Parties (CoP) serving the United Nations climate change regime treaties – the Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol, and the Paris Agreement – is responsible for promoting the effective implementation of these treaties. Actions it has undertaken to fulfil this duty include cooperating with other legal persons via binding agreements, creating mechanisms for facilitating the compliance with obligations under the climate change regime treaties, and creating an international institution with legal personality – the Green Climate Fund. The diversity and the nature of its actions bring about an interesting legal question of whether the CoP itself possesses legal personality. This question is also linked to the effectiveness of the climate change regime as the CoP is tasked with the facilitation of the implementation of the regime treaties. This article analyses the legal personality of the CoP by three criteria extracted from the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Reparation for Injuries case, and the subsequent scholarly literature.
Paris Anlaşması Öncesi ve Sonrası İklim Değişikliğine Yönelik Bütçeler: Büyükşehir Belediyesinin Çevre Koruma ve İklim Değişikliği (ÇKİD) ile ilgili Performans Hedeflerinin Karşılaştırılması: 2021 - 2022 İzleme Sonuçlarının Karşılaştırılması (Budgets for Climate Change Before and After the Paris Agreement: Comparison of Performance Targets of 14 Metropolitan Municipalities on Environmental Protection and Climate Change (ÇKİD): Comparison of Monitoring Results from 2021-2022), 2022, 32
İklim Değişikliği ile Mücadelede Teknoloji, Türkiye için Öneriler, Bölüm I: Çevreye Duyarlı Teknolojilerin Transferi, Istanbul Policy Center, Istanbul 2022, 20
- https://ipc.sabanciuniv.edu/Content/Images/CKeditorImages/20220909-14090883.pdf
- Also available in English language
Technology for Combating Climate Change, Proposals for Turkey, Part I: The Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies, Istanbul Policy Center, Istanbul 2022, 20
- The transfer of environmentally sound technologies (ESTs) is universally recognized as one of the most effective ways to combat climate change. 1 These technologies contribute to our fight against climate change by lowering emissions and improving our resilience to climate change. 2 This series of papers will discuss the concept of ESTs, assess the compatibility of international laws and Turkish laws related to the transfer of ESTs, and propose new domestic laws and policies to create an environment conducive to their transfer.
These proposals will also identify international projects, funds, mechanisms, and institutional frameworks that
are available for Turkish actors to transfer ESTs. Since Turkey is planning to achieve its recently announced carbon-zero target by 2053,3 this paper series aims at bringing much-needed awareness to the issue of EST
transfer and proposing regulatory and practical remedies. This paper is the first paper in the series and aims at setting the scene and clarifying the concept of the
transfer of ESTs. First, the role of technologies in combating climate change is identified. Following this, the concept of ESTs and the transfer of ESTs are discussed. Subsequently, the relevant aspects of the United Nations (UN) climate change regime in the transfer of ESTs are outlined. The relevance of the international trading regime in the transfer of ESTs is then discussed. This paper argues that tension between the climate change and international trading regimes related to the transfer of ESTs will likely emerge. How Turkey can
manage this tension and govern the issue domestically is the main question arising from the analysis. The last section provides a brief explanation of the future papers in this series, which will progressively answer this central question. - https://ipc.sabanciuniv.edu/Content/Images/CKeditorImages/20220518-11052689.pdf
- Also available in Turkish language
İklim Değişikliği ile Mücadelede Teknoloji, Türkiye için Öneriler, Bölüm II: Türkiye’de Çevreye Duyarlı Teknoloji Transferi (Technology for Combating Climate Change, Proposals for Turkey, Part II: Turkish Approach to the Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies), Istanbul Policy Center, Istanbul 2022, 14
Andere Veröffentlichungen, Presseartikel, Interviews
COP29 kararları zayıf: 'Jeopolitik gelişmeler iklim eylemini yavaşlatıyor' (COP29 outcomes are weak: 'Geopolitical developments slow climate action') - interview, İklim Masası 2024.
- https://www.iklimmasasi.com/cop29-kararlari-zayif-jeopolitik-gelismeler-iklim-eylemini-yavaslatiyor/
Bonn İklim Müzakereleri hayal kırıklığı ile sona erdi (Bonn climate negotiations end in disappointment), İklim Masası 2024.
COP28 Genel Çıktıları ve COP28’de Gıdanın Durumu (COP28 General Outputs and the State of Food Systems at COP28), Gidanin Durumu 2024.
Depremden öğren(eme)diklerimiz: İnşaat ve yıkım atıklarının yönetimi (What we have (not) learnt from the earthquake: Construction and demolition waste management), İklim Masası 2024 (
Uluslararası Atık Ticareti Standartları Işığında Türkiye’nin Plastik Çöp/Atık İthalatı (Türkiye's Plastic Garbage/Waste Imports in the Light of International Waste Trade Standards), beyond.istanbul - Mekanda Adalet ve Atık 15 (2024), 92.
Sürdürülebilir Gıda Sistemlerini Gerçekten Konuştuğumuz Bir COP Geride Kaldı - Interview, EKOIQ: Tarihi Kazanım Mı, Yeni bir Hezimet Mi? COP28 109 (2023), 75 - 77 (
COP 28’den neler beklemeliyiz? (What should we expect from COP 28?), İklim Masası 2023.
Türkiye, iklim değişikliği hedeflerini güçlendirmeli (Türkiye should strengthen its climate change ambitions), İklim Masası 2023.
Effectiveness Analysis of the United Nations Climate Change Regime, University of Aberdeen School of Law - Blog 2018.
Vorträge und Panels
The Remarkably Low Impact of International Environmental Law on Solar PV Companies
Max Planck Law Annual Conference 2024
Ort: Berlin
Protection of Agricultural Production through International Environmental Law
International Congress on Agriculture and Food Ethics, TARGET Congress
Ort: Ankara, Türkei
11.07. – 12.07.2023
The Legal Personality of the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Climate Change Regime Treaties
The Max Planck Climate Conference for a Sustainable Anthropocene
Ort: Berlin
Local Conference of the Youth, UNFCCC YOUNGO
Ort: Istanbul, Türkei
WTO's Environmental Goods: Technical and Legal Scope
The 15th International Symposium on Applied Informatics and Related Areas
Ort: Óbuda Universität, Ungarn
The WTO’s Unenthusiastic Approach on Environmental Issues: Is it coming to an end?
University of Aberdeen Legal Research Society Conference
Ort: University of Aberdeen, Vereinigtes Königreich
Inter-Institutional Cooperation of Global International Institutions: An Emerging Path for Technology Transfer
Postgraduate Legal Research Conference with the theme of ‘Overturning Paradigm’
Ort: Queen Mary University, Vereinigtes Königreich
Making Laws for the Modern Consumer: Is Law there to Lead or to Adapt?
Strathclyde Postgraduate Law Conference with the theme of ‘Visualising the Law’
Ort: University of Strathclyde, Vereinigtes Königreich
Climate Justice
Central European University, LLM Course for the Department of Legal Studies
Ort: Wien, Österreich
09 – 12/2022
International Political Economy
Adana Science and Technology University, Faculty of Political Sciences
Ort: Adana, Türkei
09 – 12/2022
International Migration and Population Movements
Adana Science and Technology University, Faculty of Political Sciences
Ort: Adana, Türkei
09 – 12/2022
Theories of International Relations
Adana Science and Technology University, Faculty of Political Sciences
Ort: Adana, Türkei
09 – 12/2022
Introduction to Economics
Adana Science and Technology University, Faculty of Political Sciences
Ort: Adana, Türkei
02 – 06/2021
International Environmental Law and Politics
Çukurova University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Ort: Adana, Türkei
02 – 06/2021
Commercial Law II
Çukurova University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Ort: Adana, Türkei
02 – 05/2021
International Organizations
Adana Science and Technology University, Faculty of Political Sciences
Ort: Adana, Türkei
02 – 05/2021
Diplomatic English II
Adana Science and Technology University, Faculty of Political Sciences
Ort: Adana, Türkei
09/2019 – 12/2019
EU Institutions and Law (Tutorin)
University of Aberdeen, Faculty of Law
Ort: Aberdeen, Vereinigtes Königreich