This research investigates the role of parental influence in the underrepresentation of women among inventors, despite a growing number of women graduating in STEM fields. Using Danish registry data on individuals born between 1966 and 1985 and an experimental design based on siblings' gender composition, we find that inventorship is less likely to be transmitted from parents to daughters if they have a younger brother (compared to a sister). We replicate these findings with Swedish registry data on individuals born between 1974 and 1988. In a second step, using the Swedish data, we examine and compare the career paths of potential female and male inventors who did not enter the inventive profession. Initial results reveal distinct patterns in the types of professions pursued by female and male non-inventors. Additionally, we observe gendered wage gaps between inventors and non-inventors. Our study offers insights into the factors that influence who becomes an inventor and explores the career outcomes of those who, despite having characteristics associated with inventorship, do not enter the inventive profession.
Ansprechpartner: Daehyun Kim
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