All over the world, Green Tech is considered to be an important element of today’s energy and climate policy. At the same time, patents are a key element for the promotion of inventive activity. At first sight, this makes it more than plausible to simply combine the two and use the patent system in order to foster Green Tech. - But are more and easier-to-get Green-Tech-Patents really the silver bullet for solving the problems that energy and climate policy is facing today? This talk is designed to scrutinize the tempting thought that patent system could play a leading role in this context. Questions that need to be addressed are the role of environmental challenges for mankind, the problem of defining what should be promoted as Green Tech, whether its fostering should be achieved by means of patent law rather than administrative law, what positions the world’s big patent offices are taking and what tools they can apply, and, last but not least, how Third World countries should be able to access Green Tech that for the most part is being produced in what one might call the First World.
Professor Christoph Ann holds the chair for Corporate and IP Law at Technische Universität Mu¨nchen (TUM), School of Management. Before coming to Munich, he taught IP law from 2000-2003 as a full Professor of Law in Freiburg/Br. From 2001-2003 he also served as a “professorial judge” on the Mannheim District Court’s renowned IP infringement panel (7. Zivilkammer). In Munich, Prof. Ann teaches IP Law and serves on the Managing Board of the Munich Intellectual Property Law Center. He regularly teaches at law schools abroad: in the U.S. (UW Law’s CASRIP, Duke, Stetson, UOregon), Australia (La Trobe), France (IHEE, Strasbourg), and Hungary (Andrássy University). Prof. Ann has published five books and more than 130 articles and his interests focus on European and International Technology Protection (Patents & Trade Secrets) including Licensing, Competition Law, and the respective business contexts.