Kartellrechtszyklus  |  20.09.2016, 19:00

Kartellrechtsvortrag: Sektoruntersuchung e-Commerce

19:00 - 21:00 Uhr, Thomas Kramler (Europäische Kommission), Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb, München, Raum E10

Am Dienstag, 20. September 2016, 19:00 Uhr, wird in Saal E10 des Max-Planck-Instituts Thomas Kramler von der Europäischen Kommission, Leiter der Sektoruntersuchung e-commerce, zu den Zwischenergebnissen der Sektoruntersuchung vortragen.

Vorab wird in der Aktuellen Viertelstunde Dr. Ingo Brinker, LL.M. (Chicago) von Gleiss Lutz Rechtsanwälte über aktuelle fusionskontrollrechtliche Fragen (insbesondere Staatsunternehmen und Prioritätsprinzip) sprechen, die sich anlässlich der Neuordnung in der Saatgutbranche ergeben haben (ChemChina/Syngenta; Dow/Dupont; Bayer/Monsanto).

Wir bitten um Anmeldung bis zum 16. September 2016 bei delia.zirilli(at)ip.mpg.de.

Wir freuen uns auf interessante Diskussionen und Begegnungen.

Seminar  |  13.09.2016, 18:00

Institutsseminar: Gesetzliche Vergütungsansprüche in den Schranken des Urheberrechts (§§ 44a ff. UrhG) - vertragliche und außervertragliche Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten unter Berücksichtigung des höherrangigen Rechtsrahmens

18:00 - 19:30 Uhr, Claudius Pflüger, Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb, München, Raum E10

Seminar  |  02.08.2016, 18:00

Institutsseminar: Protection for Information and Data under Patent Law

18:00 - 19:30 Uhr, Franziska Greiner, Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb, München, Raum E10

Seminar  |  19.07.2016 | 11:30  –  13:00

Brown Bag-Seminar: Patent Oppositions in Networks: An Analysis of the Cosmetics Industry?

Malte Doehne (LMU München)


This paper examines patent oppositions as firm-level responses to newly-granted patents. We present a citation-based construct for measuring the technological lineage to which a newly granted patent lays claims. This network-analytic construct, which we label technology trees, allows us to develop a refined explanation of patent oppositions by taking into account the ownership structures of the technology to which a particular patent relates. An application to the cosmetics industry reveals that the technology tree measure, which is calculated on the level of individual patents, usefully complements established network measures at the industry level, such as triplet counts for measuring patent thickets. This suggests a need for further and more fine grained analyses of technology trees as context in which patent oppositions play out.

Seminar  |  13.07.2016 | 12:00  –  13:30

Brown Bag-Seminar: Knowing Me, Knowing You: Inventor Mobility and the Formation of Technology-Oriented Alliances

Stefan Wagner (European School of Management and Technology)


We study how competitive mechanisms of external knowledge acquisition affect the emergence of collaborative modes of learning. Specifically, we link the hiring of R&D scientists from competing firms to the subsequent formation of collaborative agreements between these firms – in our setting technology oriented alliances and licensing agreements. Using data on inventor mobility and alliance formation amongst 42 global pharmaceutical over 16 years we are able to show that inventor mobility in fact increases the likelihood of alliance formation in periods following inventor moves. Moreover, our results suggest that this effect becomes more pronounced if more productive inventors are recruited but weaker if the recruiting firm is already familiar with the inventor’s prior employer’s technological capabilities. These findings are more robust for alliances that aim at joint R&D efforts than for pure licensing agreements.

Please drop us a line if you plan to attend.

Seminar  |  12.07.2016, 18:00

Institutsseminar: Copyright Challenges of Open Participatory Cultures

18:00 - 19:30 Uhr, Riccarda Lotte, Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb, München, Raum E10

Seminar  |  07.07.2016 | 12:30  –  14:00

Brown Bag-Seminar: Cross-Licensing and Competition

Yassine Lefouili (Toulouse School of Economics)

We study bilateral cross-licensing agreements among N (> 2) competing firms. We find that the industry-profit-maximizing royalty can be sustained as the outcome of bilaterally efficient agreements. This holds regardless of whether agreements are public or private and whether firms compete in quantities or prices. We extend this monopolization result to a general class of two-stage games in which firms bilaterally agree in the first stage to make each other payments that depend on their second-stage non-cooperative actions. Policy implications regarding the antitrust treatment of cross-licensing agreements are derived.

Kartellrechtszyklus  |  06.07.2016, 19:00

Kartellrechtsvortrag: Stand der 9. GWB-Novelle

19:00 - 21:00 Uhr, Dr. Armin Jungbluth, Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb, München, Raum E10

Bei dem Kartellrechtsvortrag wird Ministerialrat Dr. Armin Jungbluth, Leiter des Referats Wettbewerbs- und Verbraucherpolitik beim Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie, hochaktuell und aus erster Hand über den Stand der 9. GWB-Novelle berichten – unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des dann wahrscheinlich „druckfrischen“ Referentenentwurfs.

Wir bitten um Anmeldung bis zum 1.7.2016 bei Frau Delia Zirilli.

Seminar  |  06.07.2016 | 12:00  –  13:30

Brown Bag-Seminar: Social Motives and the Success of Organizations - Evidence from Open Source Software

Emeric Henry (Sciences Po)

Using a large scale experiment involving more than a thousand open source software programmers, we match individual monthly contributions to open source programs with behavior in online games we ran. We study how social preferences affect the patterns of production and the overall success of projects. We show in particular that groups with a larger share of reciprocators are more likely to fail, but conditional on not failing, are more successful. The effect is particularly strong for technological areas and development stages characterized by more variance in contributions.

Tagung  |  28.06.2016, 17:00

Mediation in IP Disputes - FRAND and other Challenges for IP ADR Institutions

17:00 - 19:00 Uhr, Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb, München, Raum E10

The IPDR Forum is fostering the creation and implementation of effective Dispute Resolution methos in the field of Intellectual Property. Intellectual Property Dispute Resolution is now more important than ever.  Alternative Dispute Resolution and intellectual property? An improbable pair but one that is getting more and more attention from practitioners, scholars and authorities: For instance, the European Commission refers to alternative dispute resolution methods, such as arbitration, as an exemplary model solution for disputes in the field of FRAND licensing. The CJEU names the determination of FRAND-Terms by an independent third party as a way out, when litigants in SEP cases cannot agree on details of the FRAND-license at hand. And the Agreement on the Unified Patent Court even provides for a separate arbitration and mediation centre as part of the future, unified patent litigation system.

Website IPDR-Forum