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4850 Publikationen gefunden.


Picht, Peter Collateralizing IP licenses - present deficiencies and proposals for reform AIPLA quarterly journal 41 (2013), 423 - 466.


Picht, Peter Unsettling news for reverse payment settlements - The Supreme Court’s Actavis ruling overturns the "scope of the patent-test" European competition law review 34 (2013), 523 - 527.


Picht, Peter New Law on Reverse Payment Settlements - The Agenda for Courts and the Legislature After the Supreme Court’s Actavis Ruling Tulane Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property 16 (2013), 105 - 140.


Cornish, William R. Intellectual Property: Patents, Copyright, Trade Marks and Allied Rights (Classics Series), 8. Aufl., Sweet & Maxwell, London 2013, CXXXIV + 945 S. (gemeinsam mit David Llewelyn, Tanya Aplin).

Beiträge in Sammelwerken

Cornish, William R. Editorial Commentary contained in Release 43 and Release 44 in: Encyclopedia of United Kingdom and European Patent Law, Sweet & Maxwell, London 2013.


Drexl, Josef Copyright, Competition and Development, Report to the World Intellectual Property Organization 2013, 284 S.


Gonzalez Otero, Begoña Compelling to Disclose Software Interoperable Information: A Risk for Innovation or a Balanced Solution? The Journal of World Intellectual Property 16, 1-2 (2013), 2 - 14.

Beiträge in Sammelwerken

Gonzalez Otero, Begoña La computación en la nube ("cloud computing")¿Nuevos retos para el derecho de autor? in: Ana María Tobío Rivas, Angel Fernández Albor Baltar (Hg.), Estudios de derecho mercantil: Libro homenaje al Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. José Antonio Gómez Segade, Marcial Pons, Madrid 2013, 673 - 684.


Nazar de la Vega, Gonzalo Maria Constitutional Courts in Comparative Law. Argentine System of Legal Information INFOJUS- Public Law Review 2, 6 (2013), 89 (gemeinsam mit Lucía Scheinkman).

Beiträge in Festschriften

Henning-Bodewig, Frauke The Notion of Comparative Advertising in: Mijlpalen uit het Belgisch mededingingsrecht geannoteerd - Liber Amicorum Jules Stuyck, Kluwer, Mechelen 2013, 528 - 634.