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5901 Publikationen gefunden.


Geiger, Christophe What Limitations to Copyright in the Information Society? A Comment on the European Commissions Green Paper ‘Copyright in the Knowledge Economy’ IIC 40, 4 (2009), 412 - 433 (gemeinsam mit Franck Macrez et al.).


Geiger, Christophe Implementing an International Instrument for Interpreting Copyright Limitations and Exceptions IIC 40, 6 (2009), 627 - 642.


Geiger, Christophe The Extension of the Term of Copyright and Certain Neighbouring Rights - A Never-Ending Story? IIC 40, 1 (2009), 78 - 82.


Fikentscher, Wolfgang Finanzkrise, Wettbewerb und Regulierung GRUR Int 58, 8/9 (2009), 635 - 646.


Dietz, Adolf Monismus im kroatischen Urheberrechtsgesetz mit einem dualistischen Farbtupfer Zbornik / Hrvatskog Drustva za Autorsko Pravo 10 (2009), 59 - 67.


Dietz, Adolf Das europäisch harmonisierte rumänische Urheberrecht. Entwicklung und augenblicklicher Stand nach dem EU-Beitritt Rumäniens GRUR Int 58, 11 (2009), 883 - 895.


He, Huaiwen Seeking a Balanced Interpretation of the Three-Step Test - An Adjusted Structure in View of Divergent Approaches IIC 40, 3 (2009), 274 - 308.


He, Huaiwen Self-Defeating Framework: How Far Could ITU Patent Policy Go? EIPR 31, 7 (2009), 343 - 346.


Kochupillai, Mrinalini Engineering a More Innovative Environment in India: An Analysis of the Protection and Utilization of Public Funded Intellectual Property Bill, Research Report submitted to the International Technology Transfer Institute, University Of New Hampshire 2009.


Moscon, Valentina End User License Agreement (EULA) e diritto dei contratti nell’era digitale (End User License Agreement and contract law in the digital age) In Pactum 3 (2009), 8 (gemeinsam mit Roberto Caso).