4841 Publikationen gefunden.
Die Haftung für Werbeangaben nach neuem Schuldrecht Der Betrieb 21 (2002), 1090 - 1094.
International Hague Convention on Jurisdiction and Foreign Judgements - A Way Forward for IP? EIPR 24, 4 (2002), 175 - 183.
New Initiatives for the Harmonisation of Unfair Competition Law in Europe EIPR 24, 5 (2002), 271 - 276 (
Harmonizing Scope and Allocation of Patent Rights in Europe: Towards a New European Patent Law Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review 6 (2002), 11 - 46.
Community Legislation Continued: Complete Harmonisation, Framework Legislation or Non-Binding Measures - Alternative Approaches to European Contract Law, Consumer Protection and Unfair Trade Practices? European business law review 13 (2002), 557 - 582.
Developments in the United Kingdom: Privacy and the Press Auteurs & media 4 (2002), 334 - 338.
La inversión de la carga de la prueba, el principio de "procedimientos justos y razonables" y las medidas cautelares, previstos en el Acuerdo TRIPS LexisNexis Jurisprudencia Argentina, nùmero special: Propriedad intelectual: protecciòn cautelar y competencia 2002, 3 - 14.
Határokon túli védjegybirtoklás az interneten Iparjogvédelmi és szerzöi jogi szemle 107.5 (2002).