5899 Publikationen gefunden.
The role of the patent system in stimulating innovation and technology transfer for climate change - including aspects of licensing and competition law (MIPLC Studies, 13), 1.
Patentability of chemical selection inventions - the Olanzapine and Escitalopram decisions (MIPLC Studies, 12), 1.
Intellectual property related generic defense strategies in the European pharmaceutical market - implications of the EU Commission's sector inquiry from an IP, competition law and economic perspective (MIPLC Studies, 11), 1.
Enforcement of FRAND commitments under article 102 TFEU - the nature of FRAND defence in patent litigation (MIPLC Studies, 9), 1.
Copyright, the freedom of expression and the right to information - exploring a potential public interest exception to copyright in Europe (MIPLC Studies, 8), 1.
Unilateral Restraints in the Retail Business - A Comparative Study on Competition Law in Germany and Indonesia (Münchner Schriften zum europäischen und internationalen Kartellrecht, 27), Stämpfli, Bern 2011, 314
Merger Control Regimes in Emerging Economies. A Case Study on Brazil and Argentina Kluwer Law International, The Hague 2011, XXVII + 403
Copyright Throughout the World (Loseblatt) - Lieferung 2011 (International series), West, St. Paul/Minnesota 2011.