5901 Publikationen gefunden.
Dietz, Adolf Rezension von: Adeney, Elisabeth: The Moral Rights of Authors and Performers. An International and Comparative Analysis, Oxford University Press, New York 2006, pp. LX + 900, ISBN 0-19-928474-1 IIC 38, 6 (2007), 754 - 756.
Conde Gallego, Beatriz Rezension von: Lévêque, Francois / Shelanski, Howard (eds.): Antitrust, Patents and Copyright - EU and US Perspectives, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham/Northampton 2005, pp. XXI + 223, ISBN 1-84542-603-7 IIC 38, 4 (2007), 514 - 516.
Fikentscher, Wolfgang Rezension von: Doeker-Mach, Guenther / Ziegert, Klaus A. (eds.): Law, Legal Culture and Politics in the Twenty First Century, Essays in Honour of Alice Erh-Soon Tay. Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2004, 527 pp., ISBN 3-515-08317-0 Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 56 (2007), 113 - 119.
Beiträge in Kommentaren
Romandini, Roberto Commentary to Article 50 of the Italian Intellectual Property Code in: Vincenzo Piccarreta, Francesco Terrano (Hg.), Il nuovo diritto industriale - guida alla disciplina introdotta dal D.Lgs. 10 febbraio 2005, n. 30, Codice della proprietà industriale, Il sole 24 ore, Milano 2007, 150 - 158.
Beiträge in Kommentaren
Romandini, Roberto Commentary to the Act n. 78/2006 - Implementation of the Directive 98/44/EU on the legal protection of the biotechnological inventions in: Piergaetano Marchetti, Luigi Carlo Ubertazzi (Hg.), Commentario breve alle leggi su proprietà intellettuale e concorrenza - antitrust, concorrenza sleale, pubblicità marchi, brevetti, diritto d'autore, CEDAM, Padova 2007, 1368 - 1397.
Artikel in referierten Fachzeitschriften
Harhoff, Dietmar; Hoisl, Karin (2007). Institutionalized Incentives for Ingenuity—Patent Value and the German Employees’ Inventions Act Research Policy, 36 (8), 1143-1162.
Artikel in referierten Fachzeitschriften
Giuri, Paola; Mariani, Myriam; Brusoni, Stefano; Crespi, Gustavo; Francoz, Dominique; Gambardella, Alfonso; Garcia-Fontes, Walter; Geuna, Aldo; Gonzales, Raul; Harhoff, Dietmar; Hoisl, Karin; Le Bas, Christian; Luzzi, Alessandra; Magazzini, Laura; Nesta, Lionel; Nomaler, Önder; Palomeras, Neus; Patel, Pari; Romanelli, Marzia; Verspagen, Bart (2007). Inventors and Invention Processes in Europe: Results from the PatVal-EU Survey Research Policy, 36 (8), 1107-1127.
Beiträge in Sammelwerken
Harhoff, Dietmar; Schulz, C.; Hoisl, Karin (2007). Intellectual Property in: Hagen Hof, U. Wengenroth (Hg.), Innovationsforschung - Ansätze, Methoden, Grenzen und Perspektiven (Innovationsforschung, 1), 161-170. Hamburg: LIT Verlag.
Von Graevenitz, Georg; Wagner, Stefan; Harhoff, Dietmar; Hall, Bronwyn H.; Hoisl, Karin; Giuri, Paola; Gambardella, Alfonso (2007). The Strategic Use of Patents and Its Implications for Enterprise and Competition Policies, Report ENTR/05/82 for DG Enterprise, European Commission.
Haagen, F.; Häußler, C.; Harhoff, Dietmar; Murray, G.; Rudolph, B. (2007). Finding the Path to Success – The Structure and Strategies of British and German Biotechnology Companies. AGBO Report, LMU München.