4851 Publikationen gefunden.
Fragmented Infringement of Computer Program Patents in Global Economy The Journal of Law and Technology, USA 48 (2008), 345.
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Le droit de la concurrence, propriété intellectuelle, et l’accès à l’information in: Mireille Buydens, Séverine Dusollier (
Verletzung der Gemeinschaftsmarke Hefte für Rechtsinformatik (Jogi Tájékoztató Füzetek) 186-192 (2008), 51 - 76.
Compatibility and Standards: Should Apple Open up its „Fairplay” DRM System? MAS-IP Diploma Papers & Research Reports: Paper 4 2008.2008 (
How Much Does Technology Really Matter in Patent Law? A Comparative Analysis of Doctrines of Appropriate Patentable Subject Matter in the United States and Europe Federal Circuit Bar Journal 18, 1 (2008), 63 - 138.
How do entrepreneurial technology firms really get financed, and what difference does it make? International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management 5, 1 (2008), 1 - 28.