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4841 Publikationen gefunden.


Conde Gallego, Beatriz Die Anwendung des kartellrechtlichen Missbrauchsverbots auf "unerlässliche" Immaterialgüterrechte im Lichte der IMS Health- und Standard-Spundfass-Urteile GRUR Int 55, 1 (2006), 16 - 28.


Antons, Christoph Courting Kazaa - Judicial Approaches Towards P2P Networks in the US and Australia Computer law review international 7, 3 (2006), 70 - 76.


Straus, Joseph The Impact on the New World Order on Economic Development - The Role of Intellectual Property Rights John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law 6.1 (2006), 1 - 16.


Drexl, Josef Power of the European Community in the Field of International Trade Law: Limitations on Foreign Policy of the Member States and Turkey Ankara law review 3, 2 (2006), 99 - 127.


Kitz, Volker Rundfunkgebühr auf internetfähige PC und Moblitelefone - Zur Auslegung des neuen Rundfunkgebührenstaatsvertrags Neue juristische Wochenschrift 59, 7 (2006), 406 - 408.


Lewinski, Silke von Certain legal problems related to the making available of literary and artistic works and other protected subject matter through digital networks Copyright bulletin / UNESCO 2005.January - March (2005), 1 - 16.


Lewinski, Silke von Mandatory Collective Administration of Exclusive Rights – A Case Study On Its Compatibility With International and EC Copyright Law Copyright bulletin / UNESCO 2004.January - March (2005), 1 - 14.


Drexl, Josef A Report on the Fourth Annual Conference of the International Competition Network 2005, 48 S., 03.11.2005 (gemeinsam mit Dirk Schroeder).


Straus, Joseph On the New Role of Intellectual Property Rights in the Globalized Economy (in Chinese) China Intellectual Property News 2005, 3.


Ullrich, Hanns Anti-Unfair Competition Law and Anti-Trust Law: A Continental Conundrum? (EUI Working Paper LAW, No. 2005/01), 2005, 46 S.