4841 Publikationen gefunden.
Die Anwendung des kartellrechtlichen Missbrauchsverbots auf "unerlässliche" Immaterialgüterrechte im Lichte der IMS Health- und Standard-Spundfass-Urteile GRUR Int 55, 1 (2006), 16 - 28.
Courting Kazaa - Judicial Approaches Towards P2P Networks in the US and Australia Computer law review international 7, 3 (2006), 70 - 76.
The Impact on the New World Order on Economic Development - The Role of Intellectual Property Rights John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law 6.1 (2006), 1 - 16.
Power of the European Community in the Field of International Trade Law: Limitations on Foreign Policy of the Member States and Turkey Ankara law review 3, 2 (2006), 99 - 127.
Rundfunkgebühr auf internetfähige PC und Moblitelefone - Zur Auslegung des neuen Rundfunkgebührenstaatsvertrags Neue juristische Wochenschrift 59, 7 (2006), 406 - 408.
Certain legal problems related to the making available of literary and artistic works and other protected subject matter through digital networks Copyright bulletin / UNESCO 2005.January - March (2005), 1 - 16.
Mandatory Collective Administration of Exclusive Rights – A Case Study On Its Compatibility With International and EC Copyright Law Copyright bulletin / UNESCO 2004.January - March (2005), 1 - 14.
A Report on the Fourth Annual Conference of the International Competition Network 2005, 48