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4838 Publikationen gefunden.


Philipp, Marc P. Intellectual property related generic defense strategies in the European pharmaceutical market - implications of the EU Commission's sector inquiry from an IP, competition law and economic perspective (MIPLC Studies, 11), 1. Aufl., Nomos, Baden-Baden 2011, 91 S.


Väisänen, Tuire Anniina Enforcement of FRAND commitments under article 102 TFEU - the nature of FRAND defence in patent litigation (MIPLC Studies, 9), 1. Aufl., Nomos, Baden-Baden 2011, 81 S.


Mendis, Sunimal Copyright, the freedom of expression and the right to information - exploring a potential public interest exception to copyright in Europe (MIPLC Studies, 8), 1. Aufl., Nomos, Baden-Baden 2011, 83 S.


Wahyuningtyas, Sih Yuliana Unilateral Restraints in the Retail Business - A Comparative Study on Competition Law in Germany and Indonesia (Münchner Schriften zum europäischen und internationalen Kartellrecht, 27), Stämpfli, Bern 2011, 314 S.

Beiträge in Festschriften

Geiger, Christophe Introduction in: Les défis du droit des marques au XXI siècle - Actes du colloque en l'honneur de Professeur Yves Reboul 2011, 9 - 10.

Beiträge in Festschriften

Geiger, Christophe Marques et droits fondamentaux in: Les défis du droit des marques au XXIe siècle - Actes du colloque en l'honneur de Professeur Yves Reboul, Litec, Paris 2011, 163 - 176.


Geiger, Christophe (Hg.) Les défis du droit des marques au XXIe siècle - Actes du colloque en l'honneur de Professeur Yves Reboul (Collection du C.E.I.P.I., 56), Litec - Editions du JurisClasseur, Paris 2011, 198 S. (gemeinsam mit Joanna Schmidt-Szalewski).


Surblyte, Gintare The Competition Council of the Republic of Lithuania imposes a fine on an oil refinery for abuse of dominance after conducting an additional investigation (Orlen Lietuva) e-Competitions Bulletin December 2010 (2010).


Grosse Ruse-Khan, Henning A Trade Agreement Creating Barriers to International Trade? - ACTA Border Measures and Goods in Transit (Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition & Tax Law Research Paper, No. 10-10 ), 2010, 69 S.


Filgueiras, Sofia Workshop: Rechtsfragen virtueller Welten Newsdienst MMR-Aktuell 4 (2010).