5901 Publikationen gefunden.
Oxford Business Law Blog 2020.
(2020). The Relevance of Investor Rights in Equity Crowdfunding,Ökonomenstimme 2020.
(2020). Gibt es geschlechtsspezifische Lohnunterschiede auf Online-Arbeitsmärkten?,To Make Effective 5G IP Decisions Policy-Makers Need the Full Picture Blog IAM 2020.
Patent Classification Systems and Technological Categorization: An Overview and Data Update.
Patentqualität: Ein rechtliches Systemdilemma? (Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Discussion Paper, No. 15), 2020, 19
The Revitalisation of the Object and Purpose of the TRIPS Agreement: The Plain Packaging Reports and the Awakening of the TRIPS Flexibility Clauses (Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI) Research Paper, No. 2020-01), 2020, 48
ALLEA Statement on "Towards Implementing the European Open Science Cloud – IPR and Other Strategic Considerations" 2020, 4
Where Did Fintechs Come From, and Where Do They Go? The Transformation of the Financial Industry in Germany After Digitalization Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Intelligence in Finance), 3.