5896 Publikationen gefunden.
How Voice Shapes Reactions to Impartial Decision-makers: An Experiment on Participation Procedures Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 143, 241-253.
(2017).The 'Bolar' Exemption and the Supply of Patented Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients to Generic Drug Producers - An Attempt to Interpret Article 10(6) of Directive 2004/27 (Chinese translation: Bolar li wai yi ji xiang fang zhi yao chang shang ti gong zhuan li huo xing yao wu cheng fen - dui di 2004/27 hao zhi ling di 10 tiao di 6 kuan de jie du) Zhi Shi Chan Quan Yu Jing Zheng Fa Yan Jiu (IP and Competition Law Review) 3 (2017), 129 - 164.
Some Thoughts on Complexities and Deficiencies of Patent Protection for Pharmaceuticals in: Festschrift for Prof. Kyung Han Sohn, Science, Technology and the Law Journal,
How Efficient is Patent Protection for Diagnostic Methods? in: Izzivi prava v življenjski resničnosti = Challenges of law in life reality: Liber Amicorum Marko Ilešič, Univerza v Ljubljani, Pravna fakulteta, Ljubljana 2017, 437 - 488.
The Draft Directive on the Powers of National Competition Authorities: the Glass Half Empty and Half Full European Competition Law Review 38, 10 (2017), 470 - 477.
The Principle of Passing on in the Aftermath of the Damages Directive European Review of Private Law 25, 5 (2017), 881 - 907.
Ideologie und technologischer Wandel: Eine empirische Untersuchung der Adoption von Elektromobilität. Berlin: Pro Business.