4851 Publikationen gefunden.
Nérisson, Sylvie Commission clears France's "Carte Musique Jeune" - A Mistaken Measure? European state aid law quarterly 10, 2 (2011), 207 - 210.
Wechsler, Andrea Rezension von: Paul Goldstein/Joseph Straus (Hrsg.): Intellectual Property in Asia. Law, Economics, History and Politics. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer, 2009. XVIII, 357 S.,ISBN: 978-3-540-89701-9. Zeitschrift für Geistiges Eigentum 3, 3 (2011), 352 - 354.
Straus, Joseph Das Regime des European Telecommunications Standards Institute – ETSI: Grundsätze, anwendbares Recht und die Wirkung der ETSI gegenüber abgegebenen Erklärungen GRUR Int 60, 6 (2011), 469 - 480.
Beiträge in Sammelwerken
Grosse Ruse-Khan, Henning The concept of sustainable development in international IP law - new approaches from EU Economic Partnership Agreements? in: Annette Kur, Vytautas Mizaras (Hg.), The Structure of Intellectual Property Law - Can One Size Fit All? (ATRIP intellectual property), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2011, 308 - 342.
Beiträge in Sammelwerken
Lewinski, Silke von General view of the three-step test. (also in French and Spanish) in: ALAI (Hg.), The Author’s Place in XXI Century Copyright - the Challenges of Modernization, ALAI, Montevideo 2011, 579.
Lewinski, Silke von WIPO’s Discussion on Exceptions and Limitations, in particular in favour of Visually Impaird Persons (in Japanese, sligthly revised version of above article in RIDA), Part I Intellectual Property Law and Policy 34 (2011), 219 - 249.
Straus, Joseph (Hg.) Leading Court Cases on European Intellectual Property (Tongji IP Series), Intellectual Property Publishing House, Beijing 2011, 1282 S. (gemeinsam mit Peter Meier-Beck).
Straus, Joseph Quality of Performance of the European Patent Office with Special Emphasis on Patent Applications Claiming Priority of PR China - Study prepared in the framework of the IPR-2 project of the European Commission 2011.
Beiträge in Sammelwerken
Straus, Joseph Teaching Patents in: Yo Takagi, Larry Allman, Mpazi A. Sinjela (Hg.), Teaching of Intellectual Property, Intellectual Property Press, Beijing 2011, 12 - 30.
Straus, Joseph Zur Patentierung humaner embryonaler Stammzellen in Europa in: Brigitte Tag (Hg.), Lebensbeginn im Spiegel des Medizinrechts - Beiträge der 2. Tagung der Medizinrechtslehrerinnen und Medizinrechtslehrer 2010 in Zürich, Nomos, Baden-Baden 2011, 115 - 147.