5871 Publikationen gefunden.
Le Principe Par Condicio Creditorium Dans Le Nouveau Droit De La Restructuration : Une Étude Comparative Franco-allemande in: L’effervescence Du Droit Des Affaires Au XXIe Siècle : Mélanges En L’honneur Du Professeur Arlette Martin-Serf, Bruylant, Bruxelles 2022, 345 - 362 (
Access to Medicines and Vaccines - Implementing Flexibilities Under Intellectual Property Law Springer, Cham (Switzerland) 2022, X + 369
La transposition de l'article 17 de la directive 2019/790 en Allemagne Dalloz IP/IT: droit de la propriété intellectuelle et du numérique 2022, 643 - 646.
Amicus Brief "Referrals to the Enlarge Board of Appeal - G 1/22 and G 2/22 (Entitlement to Priority)" to the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office 2022.
Measuring the Scope of Obligations under International Treaties (To What Extent) Are IP Conventions Binding on Paris or TRIPS-Plus Legislation? in: Henning Grosse Ruse-Khan, Axel Metzger (
Vertical Restraints under Indian Competition Law: Whither Law and Economics Journal of Antitrust Enforcement 10, 1 (2022), 194 - 215.
Traditional Knowledge, Databases and Prior Art: Options for an Effective Defensive Use of TK against undue Patent Granting in: Irini Stamatoudi (
Competition Law Enforcement in Ukraine: Challenges from On-Line Giants Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies 15, 26 (2022), 57 - 74 (