5899 Publikationen gefunden.
The Concept of Sustainable Development in International IP Law - New Approaches from EU Economic Partnership Agreements? (Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition & Tax Law Research Paper Series, No. 10-04), 2010, 30
An Analysis of the Ambiguous Welfare Effects of Parallel Trade Freedom (Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition & Tax Law Research Paper No. 10-03 ).
Maintenance, replacement and recycling - patentees' rights in the aftermarkets; Germany, the U.S. and Japan (Law and economics, 32), Utz, München 2010, 172
Meins, deins, unseres?: Die Urheberrechtsinhaberschaft an in virtuellen Welten geschaffenen Werken in: Erich Schweighofer, Anton Geist, Ines Staufer (
Foundations and Limitations of an Economic Approach to Competition Law – Conference of the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law, March 2009 IIC 41, 2 (2010), 210 - 226 (
Der Patentverletzungsprozess in Japan und Deutschland - Bericht über ein internationales Symposium der Deutsch-Japanischen Juristenvereinigung (DJJV), der Japan Intellectual Property Association (JIPA), der Japan Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA) und der International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property of Japan (AIPPI Japan) am 23. September 2009 in München GRUR Int 59, 4 (2010), 309 - 317.
Of ACTA, “Pirates” and Organized Criminality – How “Criminal” Should the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Be? IIC 41, 6 (2010), 629 - 631.