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4851 Publikationen gefunden.


Geiger, Christophe The Future of Copyright in Europe - Striking a Fair Balance between Protection and Access to Information Intellectual Property Quarterly 14, 1 (2010), 1 - 14.


Geiger, Christophe The Role of the Three-Step Test in the Adaptation of Copyright Law to the Information Society (publication in Japanese) Intellectual Property Law and Policy Journal 27 (2010), 107 - 129.


Geiger, Christophe Intellectual "Property" after the Treaty of Lisbon - Towards a different approach in the new European legal order? EIPR 32, 6 (2010), 255 - 258.


Geiger, Christophe Promoting Creativity through Copyright Limitations: Reflections on the Concept of Exclusivity in Copyright Law Vanderbilt journal of entertainment and technology law 12, 3 (2010), 515 - 548.


Drexl, Josef Real Knowledge is to Know the Extent of One's Own Ignorance - On the Consumer Harm Approach in Innovation-Related Competition Cases Antitrust law journal 76 (2010), 677 - 708.


Dietz, Adolf Gerichtskollegium für Zivilsachen des Obersten Gerichts der Russischen Föderation, Entscheidung o.D. - MTV: Muzykal'noe televidenie (Übersetzung aus Bjulletin Verchovnogo Suda RF Nr. 5/2010, S. 21) GRUR Int 59, 10 (2010), 891 - 892.


Dietz, Adolf Regulation of copyright law in the new Part IV of the Russian Civil Code - an important, but partly problematic piece of legislation (englische Fassung) Iparjogvédelmi és Szerzöi Jogi Szemle 115, 5 (2010), 4 - 75.


Dietz, Adolf La nouvelle réglementation du droit des sociétés de gestion collective dans le droit d'auteur russe (französische Fassung) RIDA 223 (2010), 4 - 75.


Bakhoum, Mor Commerce International, Politique de Concurrence et Accords de Partenariat Economique - Réflexions sur les Enjeux et Perspectives d'un Triptyque GLOCAL - Revue Africaine sur le Commerce et le Développement 2 (2010), 3 - 7.


Antons, Christoph The role of traditional knowledge and access to genetic resources in biodiversity conservation in Southeast Asia Biodiversity and Conservation 19, 4 (2010), 1189 - 1204.