5886 Publikationen gefunden.
The Synergy of Tradition and Innovation Leading to Sustainable Geographical Indication Products: A Literature Review Journal of Management and Sustainability 10, 1 (2020), 152 - 161 (
Between Tradition and Sustainable Innovation: Empirical Evidence for the Role of Geographical Indications International Business Research 13, 9 (2020), 101 - 112 (
Social, Cultural and Economic Aspects of Antimicrobial Resistance Bulletin of the World Health Organization 98, 12 (2020), 823 - 823A (
Personenbezogene Daten als vertragliche Gegenleistung im Sinne der Richtlinie (EU) 2019/770: Welche Rolle spielen die DSGVO und die ePrivacy-Verordnung im digitalen Verbrauchervertragsrecht? GRUR Newsletter 10, 2 (2020), 23 - 25.
The Intellectual Property System as a Catalyst for Socio-Economic Development for Middle Income Countries – Lessons from South Africa EIPR 42, 11 (2020), 738 - 750 (
Das Binnenmarktrecht des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes (Gesamtsystem und Patentrecht) in: Armin Hatje, Peter-Christian Müller-Graff (
The 1990s as Global Turning Point in International Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in: Challenges in International Business Law and the Law of the European Union. Liber Amicorum in Honour of Radovan D. Vukadinović, Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Serbia, Association for European Law, Banja Luka, Kragujevac 2020, 597 - 612.
Geographical Indications: Ambiguity in Legal Provisions in India Delhi Journal of Contemporary Law 2 (2020), 17 - 23.