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Botta, Marco Does the EU Competition Model Satisfy the Needs of the Emerging Economies? Lessons from Countries without a Carrot Framework for Economic Development in EU External Relations 2012.

Beiträge in Sammelwerken

Lewinski, Silke von The Framework of the International Copyright Treaties and Comparative Overview of the Terms granted in National Law (General Report) in: Michel M. Walter (Hg.), ALAI Study Days 2010 Vienna - The Duration of Copyright and Related Rights, Verl. Medien und Recht, Wien 2012, 27 - 45.

Beiträge in Sammelwerken

Conde Gallego, Beatriz Intellectual Property and Restraints of Competition in: Jürgen Basedow et al. (Hg.), The Max Planck Encyclopedia of European Private Law, Vol. I, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2012, 942 - 946.


Ma, Li Commentary on Article 12 of the Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances - and Study on the Transfer of Audiovisual Performers' Right in the China Copyright Law Revision Journal of Social Sciences 11 (2012), 94 - 103.


Ma, Li The Dilemma and Countermeasure about Publishers' Rights on Layout Design China Publishing Journal 19 (2012), 53 - 56.


Ma, Li A Comparison Study on the Intellectual Property Research Matter and Research Method in United States and Germany Chinese Law Review abroad 2 (2012), 363 - 388.


Ma, Li A Reflection and Improvement on Technical Measures of Copyright - From a Perspective of User's Right Journal of Zhengzhou University (for Philosophy and Social Sciences) 2 (2012), 59 - 63.

Beiträge in Sammelwerken

Ma, Li Reports on the Development of Intellectual Property in China from 2008.7 to 2010.6 in: Handong Wu (Hg.), The Blue Book of IPR in China (2009-2010), Beijing University Press, Beijing 2012, 30 - 50.


Romandini, Roberto La sentenza Brüstle sulla tutelabilità delle cellule staminali embrionali: implicazioni practiche e guiridiche Rivista di diritto civile 58, II (2012), 336 - 350.


Antons, Christoph A Critical Juncture for Intellectual Property Australasian Science 33, 8 (2012), 4.