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5893 Publikationen gefunden.


Picht, Peter Georg The future of FRAND injunction GRUR 121, 11 (2019), 1097 - 1103.


Hilty, Reto M. Foreword to the 50th Volume IIC 50, 1 (2019), 1 - 3 (gemeinsam mit Josef Drexl).


Conde Gallego, Beatriz IoT Connectivity Standards: How Adaptive is the Current SEP Regulatory Framework? IIC 50, 1 (2019), 135 - 156 (gemeinsam mit Josef Drexl).


Bently, Lionel Sound Sampling, a Permitted Use Under EU Copyright Law? Opinion of the European Copyright Society in Relation to the Pending Reference before the CJEU in Case C-476/17, Pelham GmbH v. Hütter IIC 50, 4 (2019), 467 - 490 (gemeinsam mit Séverine Dusollier et al.).


Zappalaglio, Andrea The Debate Between the European Parliament and the Commission on the Definition of Protected Designation of Origin: Why the Parliament Is Right IIC 50, 5 (2019), 595 - 610.


Podszun, Rupprecht Standard Essential Patents and Antitrust Law in the Age of Standardisation and the Internet of Things: Shifting Paradigms IIC 50, 6 (2019), 720 - 745.


Picht, Peter Georg Competition Law for the Digital Era – An Adventurous Journey IIC 50, 7 (2019), 789 - 791.


Beneke, Francisco Ohio v. American Express and the Balancing of Consumer Welfare Effects on Multiple Sides of a Platform - Sherman Act, § 1 IIC 50, 7 (2019), 917 - 927.


Mackenrodt, Mark-Oliver Price and Condition Parity Clauses in Contracts Between Hotel Booking Platforms and Hotels IIC 50, 9 (2019), 1131 - 1143.


Schneider, Giulia Algoritmi, "verificabilità" del trattamento automatizzato di dati personali e tutela del sgreto commerciale nel quadro europeo Mercato Concorrenza Regole 2 (2019), 327 - 356.