5896 Publikationen gefunden.
Case Note on “Loudspeakers in Bars” and “Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores” - Decisions of the Supreme Court (Supremo Tribunal de Justiça) – 13 November 2013 – Case No. 15/2013 and of the European Court of Justice (Third Chamber) – 14 July 2015 – Case No. C-151/15 IIC 47, 1 (2016), 125 - 131.
Las licencias obligatorias de patentes para poner remedio a prácticas anticompetitivas (Análisis sistemático del art. 94 de la nueva Ley de Patentes) - Patents Compulsory Licensing as a Remedy against Anticompetitive Practices (a Sistematic Analisis of article 94 of the New Spanish Law) Actas de derecho Industrial y derecho de Autor 36 (2016), 197 - 221.
Die Rolle des Allgemeininteresses an Pflanzenpatenten - eine europäische Perspektive in: Stephan Schleissing, Barbara Brandl (
Chapter 10: Limitations and Exceptions to Copyright in the Digital Age. Four Cornerstones for a Future-Proof Legal Framework in the EU in: Irini A. Stamatoudi (
Used, Blocking and Sleeping Patents: Empirical Evidence from a Large-Scale Inventor Survey Research Policy, 45 (7), 1374-1385.
(2016).CESifo DICE Report 14 (2), 16-22.
(2016). Success and Failure in Equity Crowdfunding,
Designrecht - Praxishandbuch 2.
§ 3 - Markenrecht in: Helmut Eichmann, Annette Kur (