4851 Publikationen gefunden.
Copyright Throughout the World (Loseblatt) - Lieferung 2012 (International series), West, St. Paul/Minnesota 2012.
Copyright in a Borderless Online Environment: EU Cross-Border Licensing of Rights in: Johan Axhamn (
Les limitations à des fins d'enseignement et de recherche en droit allemand in: André Lucas, Pierre Sirinelli, Alexandra Bensamoun (
Some reflections on Case Law on Copyright by the Court of Justice of the European Union in: Problemy polskiego i europejskiego prawa prywatnego - Księga pamiątkowa Profesora Mariana Kępińskiego, Wolters Kluwer, Warszawa 2012, 229 - 240.
Counterfeiting and the spare parts issue in: Christophe Geiger (
Anti-Competitive Stumbling Stones on the Way to a Cleaner World: Protecting Competition in Innovation without a Market Journal of Competition Law and Economics 8, 3 (2012), 507 - 543.
Comment identifier des pools anticoncurrentiels: Regards transatlantiques et institutionnels in: I.R.P.I. - Institut de Recherche en Propriété Intellectuelle Henri-Desbois (
EU Competition Law and Parallel Trade in Pharmaceuticals: Lessons to be Learned for WTO/TRIPS? in: Jan Rosén (
Frankreich - Die erste gerichtliche Entscheidung im Rahmen des HADOPI-Gesetzes GRUR Int 61, 12 (2012), 1166.
Intellectual Property Liability of Consumers, Facilitators and Intermediaries - the Position in France in: Christopher Heath, Anselm Kampermann Sanders (