4838 Publikationen gefunden.
Slowinski, Peter R. Perlentaucher/FAZ, Comment on the decision by the German Federal Supreme Court IIC 42, 8 (2011), 989 - 992.
Botta, Marco Merger Remedies Imposed by the Competition Authorities of the Emerging Economies World competition 34, 2 (2011), 321 - 338.
Botta, Marco AG Kokott's Opinion in the Case Toshiba: Towards an "Extreme Decentralization" of the EU Competition Law Enforcement? Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht 6 (2011), 203 - 208.
Botta, Marco Merger Control Regimes in Emerging Economies. A Case Study on Brazil and Argentina Kluwer Law International, The Hague 2011, XXVII + 403 S.
Lewinski, Silke von (Hg.) Copyright Throughout the World (Loseblatt) - Lieferung 2011 (International series), West, St. Paul/Minnesota 2011.
Hilty, Reto M. La Constitution Économique Européenne et la Propriété Intellectuelle Revue internationale de droit économique 25, 4 (2011), 481 - 510.
Drexl, Josef (Hg.) MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law Springer, Berlin, seit 2011 (gemeinsam mit Reto M. Hilty).
Wechsler, Andrea Rezension von: Paul Goldstein/Joseph Straus (Hrsg.): Intellectual Property in Asia. Law, Economics, History and Politics (MPI Studies on Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law; 9), Springer, Berlin 2009, XVIII + 357 S., 978-3-540-89701-9 Zeitschrift für Geistiges Eigentum 3, 3 (2011), 352 - 354.
Wechsler, Andrea Intellectual Property Law in the P. R. China: A Powerful Economic Tool for Innovation and Development China-EU Law Journal 1 (2011), 3 - 54.
Romandini, Roberto La distinzione tra brevetti e modelli di utilità: una diversa interpretazione della disciplina positiva Rivista di Diritto Industriale 60, I (2011), 200 - 225.