5899 Publikationen gefunden.
Rifkin e Uber. Dall’età dell’accesso all’economia dell’eccesso Il Diritto dell'informazione e dell'informatica 31, 6 (2015), 957 - 984.
Marchi geneticamente modificati/Genetically modified trademarks Lotta alla contraffazione agrolimentare in internet (ItaliaOggi, Sonderheft 17. Juni 2015) 2015, 70.
Marchi geneticamente modificati/Genetically modified trademarks Lotta alla contraffazione agrolimentare in internet (ItaliaOggi, Sonderheft 17. Juni 2015) 2015, 199.
The New EU Commission Approach vis a vis State Aids to Renewable Energy Sources. Striking a Fair Balance between Promotion of Green Energy and the Safeguard of Market Competition Concorrenza e Mercato 2015, 38 - 50 (
The Assessment of the Effect on Trade by the National Competition Authorities of the "New" Member States: Another Legal Partition of the Internal Market? Common Market Law Review 52, 5 (2015), 1247 - 1276 (
Enforcement of State Aid Law in the Area of Services of General Economic Interest in EU Candidate Countries; Neglecting and Misapplying the Altmark Criteria European state aid law quarterly 2 (2015), 213 - 223 (
Enforcing State Aid Rules in EU Candidate Countries: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of the Direct and Indirect Effects of Conditionality Journal of European Public Policy 22, 3 (2015), 335 - 352 (
The Right of Fair Trial in Competition Law Proceedings: Quo Vadis the Courts of the New EU Member States? in: Paul Nihoul, Tadeusz Skoczny (
Enforcement of State aid rules in the Energy Community: Going beyond Formal Compliance? in: Dirk Buschle, Kim Talus (
Enforcement of Competition Rules in Regulated Industries: Abuse of Dominance Practices in the New EU Member States, Candidate Countries and Potential Candidates in: Fabiana Di Porto, Josef Drexl (