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4851 Publikationen gefunden.


Hilty, Reto M. Rationales for the Legal Protection of Intangible Goods and Cultural Heritage IIC 40, 8 (2009), 883 - 911.


Grosse Ruse-Khan, Henning Policing Patents Worldwide? EC Border Measures against Transiting Generic Drugs under EC and WTO Intellectual Property Regimes IIC 40, 5 (2009), 502 - 538 (gemeinsam mit Thomas Jaeger).


Grosse Ruse-Khan, Henning Time for a Paradigm Shift? Exploring Maximum Standards in International Intellectual Property Protection Trade, Law and Development 1, 1 (2009), 56 - 102.


Geiger, Christophe What Limitations to Copyright in the Information Society? A Comment on the European Commissions Green Paper ‘Copyright in the Knowledge Economy’ IIC 40, 4 (2009), 412 - 433 (gemeinsam mit Franck Macrez et al.).


Geiger, Christophe Implementing an International Instrument for Interpreting Copyright Limitations and Exceptions IIC 40, 6 (2009), 627 - 642.


Geiger, Christophe The Extension of the Term of Copyright and Certain Neighbouring Rights - A Never-Ending Story? IIC 40, 1 (2009), 78 - 82.


Fikentscher, Wolfgang Finanzkrise, Wettbewerb und Regulierung GRUR Int 58, 8/9 (2009), 635 - 646.


Dietz, Adolf Monismus im kroatischen Urheberrechtsgesetz mit einem dualistischen Farbtupfer Zbornik / Hrvatskog Drustva za Autorsko Pravo 10 (2009), 59 - 67.


Dietz, Adolf Das europäisch harmonisierte rumänische Urheberrecht. Entwicklung und augenblicklicher Stand nach dem EU-Beitritt Rumäniens GRUR Int 58, 11 (2009), 883 - 895.


He, Huaiwen Seeking a Balanced Interpretation of the Three-Step Test - An Adjusted Structure in View of Divergent Approaches IIC 40, 3 (2009), 274 - 308.