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5901 Publikationen gefunden.


Kur, Annette Of Oceans, Islands, and Inland Water - How Much Room for Exceptions and Limitations Under the Three-Step Test? (Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition & Tax Law Research Paper Series, No. 08-04 ), 2009, 48 S.


Bakhoum, Mor Trips, Patent Rights and Right to Health - "Price" or "Prize" for better access to medicine (Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition & Tax Law Research Paper Series, No. 10-07), 2009, 51 S.


Lee, Na Ri Applying Institutional Choice Theory to Patent Right – Case of Patentable Subject Matter Debates 2009, 21 S.


Knaak, Roland Rezension von: Torsten Bettinger (Hrsg.): Handbuch des Domainrechts. Nationale Schutzsysteme und internationale Streitbeilegung. Köln; München: Carl Heymanns, 2008. XXIX, 1735 S. - ISBN 978-3-452-25488-7 Zeitschrift für Geistiges Eigentum 1, 4 (2009), 505 - 507.

Beiträge in Festschriften

Kur, Annette Too Pretty to Protect? - Trade Mark Law and the Enigma of Aesthetic Functionality in: Technology and Competition/Technologie et concurrence - Contributions in honour of Hanns Ullrich/Mélanges en l'honneur de Hanns Ullrich, Larcier, Brüssel 2009, 139 - 160.


Kur, Annette Un an de jurisprudence allemande en droit des marques La propriété industrielle 12 (2009), 17 - 21.


Kur, Annette The Law Applicable to Secondary Liability in Intellectual Property Cases New York University journal of international law and politics 42, 1 (2009), 201 - 235 (gemeinsam mit Graeme Dinwoodie, Rochelle Dreyfuss).

Beiträge in Sammelwerken

Kur, Annette Cumulation of Rights with Regard to Threedimensional Shapes - Two Exemplary Case Studies in: Severine Dusollier, Alexandre Cruquenaire (Hg.), Le Cumul des Droits Intellectuels, Larcier, Brüssel 2009, 155 - 175.


Kur, Annette "A case about bubbles" - nur heisse Luft? sic! 2 (2009), 106 - 111.

Beiträge in Handbüchern

Kur, Annette Markenrecht in: Helmut Eichmann, Annette Kur (Hg.), Designrecht - Praxishandbuch, Nomos, Baden-Baden 2009, 133 - 186.