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5890 Publikationen gefunden.


Richter, Heiko The Intellectual Property Chapter of the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine GRUR Int 68, 1 (2019), 28 - 32 (gemeinsam mit Moritz Sutterer).

Beiträge in Sammelwerken

Tsilikas, Haris Enforcement of FRAND Commitments and Competition Law - Litigation of Standard-Essential Patents in Germany post-Huawei in: Gabriella Muscolo, Marina Tavassi (Hg.), The Interplay Between Competition Law and Intellectual Property: An International Perspective (International competition law series, 77), Kluwer Law International, Alphen aan den Rijn 2019, 385 - 402.


Beiter, Klaus-Dieter Where Have All the Scientific and Academic Freedoms Gone? And What Is 'Adequate for Science'? The Right to Enjoy the Benefits of Scientific Progress and Its Applications Israel Law Review 52, 2 (2019), 233 - 291.


Finck, Michele Blockchain Regulation and Governance in Europe Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, MA 2019, VIII + 214 S.

Artikel in referierten Fachzeitschriften

Batista, Pedro Henrique D.; Byrski, Dennis; Lamping, Matthias; Romandini, Roberto (2019). IP-Based Incentives Against Antimicrobial Crisis: A European Perspective IIC - international review of intellectual property and competition law, 50 (1), 30-76.


Geiger, Christophe Freedom of expression as an external limitation to copyright law in the EU: the Advocate General of the CJEU shows the way European intellectual property review 41, 3 (2019), 131 - 137 (gemeinsam mit Elena Izyumenko).


Richter, Heiko The Data Sharing Economy: On the Emergence of New Intermediaries IIC 50, 1 (2019), 4 - 29 (gemeinsam mit Peter R. Slowinski).

Beiträge in Kommentaren

Picht, Peter Georg Kommentierung der §§ 35 - 47 GWB in:, Beck'scher Online Kommentar Kartellrecht (Online-Publikation) 2019.

Beiträge in Sammelwerken

Picht, Peter Georg The Effect of FRAND Commitments on Patent Remedies in: Brad Biddle et al. (Hg.), Patent Remedies and Complex Products: Toward a Global Consensus, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2019, 160 - 201 (gemeinsam mit Jorge L. Contreras et al.).

Beiträge in Sammelwerken

Picht, Peter Georg Standard-essential patents – Limiting exclusivity for the sake of innovation in: Josef Drexl, Anselm Kamperman Sanders (Hg.), The Innovation Society and Intellectual Property (European Intellectual Property Institutes Network series ), Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA 2019, 208 - 230.