4841 Publikationen gefunden.
Health and Human Rights in India with Reference to National Health Programs, Research report submitted to the National Human Rights Commission of India, June 2000 2000.
Europäisierung der Bio-Patente: Widersprüche in den maßgeblichen Regelungen beseitigt/ab heute geänderte Vergabepraxis FAZ 01.09.1999, N2.
Crouching Issues and Hidden Infringements - Copyright Protection in the Internet Age Zhishi-chanquan-yanjiu 1999, 200 - 240.
Der gestiegene Stellenwert der Rechte des geistigen Eigentums FUTURE, The Hoechst Magazine 1 (1999), 83 - 84.
Intellectual Property and the European Human Genome Research - Some Dilemmas in: Festskrift till Gunnar Karnell, Carlsson Law Network, Stockholm 1999, 745 - 759.
Latest Developments in Biotechnology - Gene Modification Techniques as they Relate to IPRs in: Jill M. Shuman (
The Development of Equivalence in Legal Theory and Case Law in Germany Before and After EPC Nordiskt immateriellt rättsskydd 1999, 459 - 474.
Priority Right and Period of "Grace" under the European Patent Law - Two Separate Issues in: Global Perspectives of Contemporary Intellectual Property Issues, a Collection of Works Written in Commemoration of the Seventieth Birthday of Peter Dirk Siemsen, PVDI Design, Rio de Janeiro 1999, 351 - 365.
Intellecual Property Rights in Human Genome Research Results - The U.S. and European Approach - Common Problems, Different Solutions? in: German-American Academic Council Foundation (GAAC) (