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5873 Publikationen gefunden.


Kim, Daria Access to Non-Summary Clinical Trial Data for Research Purposes Under EU Law (Munich Studies on Innovation and Competition, Volume 16), Springer, Berlin 2021, XVIII + 300 S.

Beiträge in Sammelwerken

Conde Gallego, Beatriz SEP Licensing in the IoT: Is There a Case for a Duty to License Upstream Implementers? in: Anselm Kamperman Sanders, Anke Moerland (Hg.), Intellectual Property as a Complex Adaptive System - The Role of IP in the Innovation Society (European Intellectual Property Institutes Network Series), Edward Elgar Publishing, Northampton, MA, USA; Cheltenham, UK 2021, 62 - 83.


Ribeiro de Almeida, Alberto The Criteria to Qualify a Geographical Term as Generic: Are We Moving from a European to a US Perspective? IIC 52, 4 (2021), 444 - 467 (gemeinsam mit Suelen Carls).

Beiträge in Sammelwerken

Gumbis, Jaunius Non-Compliance with EU Competition Law as a Public Policy Violation: Lessons for FRAND Arbitration in: Marianne Roth, Michael Geistlinger (Hg.), Yearbook on International Arbitration and ADR. Volume VII, NWV Verlag, Wien 2021, 49 - 76 (gemeinsam mit Jurgita Randakeviciute-Alpman).

Beiträge in Sammelwerken

Slowinski, Peter R. Artificial Intelligence, Novelty and Inventive Step: What Is the Impact of AI on Patent Law? in: Rafal Sikorski, Zaneta Zemla-Pacud (Hg.), Patents as an Incentive for Innovation, Kluwer Law International, Alphen aan den Rijn 2021, 253 - 268.


Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer ProtectionFederal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Hg.) Data Access, Consumer Interests and Public Welfare Nomos, Baden-Baden 2021, 574 S. (gemeinsam mit Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition et al.).

Beiträge in Festschriften

Drexl, Josef The (Lack of) Coherence of Data Ownership with the Intellectual Property System in: Transition and Coherence in Intellectual Property Law - Essays in Honour of Annette Kur, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge; New York, NY; Melbourne; New Delhi; Singapore 2021, 213 - 223.

Beiträge in Festschriften

Hilty, Reto M. Legal Concept of "Exhaustion": Exhausted? in: Transition and Coherence in Intellectual Property Law - Essays in Honour of Annette Kur, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge; New York, NY; Melbourne; New Delhi; Singapore 2021, 272 - 283.

Beiträge in Festschriften

Knaak, Roland Geographical Indications as Intellectual Property Rights - Beyond Transition and Coherence in: Transition and Coherence in Intellectual Property Law - Essays in Honour of Annette Kur, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge; New York, NY; Melbourne; New Delhi; Singapore 2021, 407 - 415.

Andere Veröffentlichungen, Presseartikel, Interviews

Stuerz, Roland; Stumpf, Christian; Putfarken, Hannes; Harhoff, Dietmar (2021). Digitalisierung durch Corona? - Homeoffice im Februar 2021, bidt Analysen und Studien. München: bidt -Bayerisches Forschungsinstitut für Digitale Transformation.