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4838 Publikationen gefunden.


Stazi, Andrea Rezension von: Alberto Musso: Diritto di autore sulle opere dell'ingegno letterarie e artistiche (Copyright on literary and artistic creative works). Bologna-Rome, Zanichelli-Il Foro Italiano, 2008. XXII, 472 S. IIC 41, 1 (2010), 118 - 120.


Janusauskaité, Kristina Implementation of the EU enforcement directive in the Baltic countries - experience in view of the development of protection of intellectual property rights (MIPLC Studies, 7), 1. Aufl., Nomos, Baden-Baden 2010, 259 S.

Beiträge in Sammelwerken

Hartmann, Thomas Der Internetzugang am Arbeitsplatz im Fokus der Gesetzesnovelle in: Dietmar Jahnel (Hg.), Jahrbuch Datenschutzrecht, NWV, Wien 2010, 211 - 236.


DuMont, Jason A Non-Obvious Design - Reexamining the Design Patent Standard Gonzaga Law Review 45 (2010), 531 - 609.

Beiträge in Kommentaren

Hilty, Reto M. Kommentierung von Art. 3 Abs. 2 in: Marc Amstutz, Mani Reinert (Hg.), Kartellgesetz, Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag, Basel 2010, 102 - 147.


Geiger, Christophe Comment of the decision of the WTO Panel of 26 January 2009 Propriétés intellectuelles 2010, 747 (gemeinsam mit Michel Vivant).


Geiger, Christophe Comment of the decision of the German Federal Supreme Court of 22 January 2009 Propriétés intellectuelles 2010, 750.


Lee, Na Ri Exclusion and coordination of fragmentation – Five Essays Toward a Pluralistic Theory of Patent Right (Publications of the University of Eastern Finland, Dissertations in Social Sciences and Business Studies, No. 3), Univ. of Eastern Finland, Joensuu 2010, 62 S.


Fischmann, Filipe Die Pflicht zur Lizenzerteilung in Patent-Ambush-Fällen nach deutschem und europäischem Kartellrecht GRUR Int 59, 3 (2010), 185 - 195.


Ullrich, Hanns Patents and Standards - A Comment on the German Federal Supreme Court Decision Orange Book Standard IIC 41, 3 (2010), 337 - 351.