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5901 Publikationen gefunden.


Haase, Isabel (2021). Exploring the Socio-Economic Impact of Energy Transition in EU Regions – Case Study 4 – Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Berlin: Ecologic Institute.


Picht, Peter Georg Vertikal-Dual-Digital: Der Entwurf der neuen Vertikal-GVO und -Leitlinien (Vertical Dual Digital: The Draft of the New Vertical GMO and Guidelines) (Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Discussion Paper, No. 19), 2021, 21 S. (gemeinsam mit Anna-Katherina Leitz).

Artikel in referierten Fachzeitschriften

Wang, Lucy Xiaolu (2021). Medicines Patent Pool and HIV Drug Cocktail Diffusion and Innovation Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021 (1).

Andere Veröffentlichungen, Presseartikel, Interviews

Muñoz Ferrandis, Carlos Sandbox-By-Design: Top-down and Bottom-up Regulatory Approaches Osservatorio AIR 2021.

Andere Veröffentlichungen, Presseartikel, Interviews

Batista, Pedro Henrique D. La Propuesta Preliminar de Revisión de las Notas Explicativas de la UPOV sobre las Variedades Esencialmente Derivadas (The Preliminary Draft for the Revision of the UPOV Explanatory Notes on Essential Derived Varieties) Smart IP for Latin America – Buletín No. 5 (2021).


Johannsen, Germán Oscar Digital Platforms & Economic Dependence in Chile - Any Room for Competition Theories of Harm without Dominance? 2021, 32 S. (gemeinsam mit Andres Gonzalez-Atala).


Widmann, Rainer (2021). Immigrant Inventors and Local Income Taxes: Evidence from Swiss Municipalities Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper No. 21-17.


Muñoz Ferrandis, Carlos Google v Oracle: copyright, APIs e interoperabilidad 2021, 14 S.


Byrski, Dennis; Gaessler, Fabian; Higgins, Matthew John (2021). Market Size and Research: Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Industry Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper No. 21-16.

Andere Veröffentlichungen, Presseartikel, Interviews

Muñoz Ferrandis, Carlos Data Sharing: Are You Holding or Enabling? Lvcentinvs Blog 2021.