5893 Publikationen gefunden.
Moscon, Valentina Italian Broadcaster Rai Must allow Sky Italia to Broadcast its Channels Free-to-Air Newsletter in IRIS 8 (2012), 21.
Moscon, Valentina Lazio: New Law for Cinema and Audiovisual Newsletter in IRIS 4 (2012).
Moscon, Valentina Reform in the Field of Neighbouring Rights Newsletter in IRIS 3 (2012).
Beiträge in Festschriften
Randakeviciute, Jurgita Europos Sąjungos taikomos ribojamosios priemonės ir teisė į teisingą teismą in: Nepriklausomos Lietuvos teisė: liber amicorum profesoriui Jonui Prapiesčiui, Vilniaus universitetas Teisės fakultetas, Vilnius 2012 (gemeinsam mit Elze Matulionyte).
Beiträge in Sammelwerken
Carls, Suelen A indicação geográfica como vetor de desenvolvimento regional e a possibilidade de sua aplicação no setor de cristais artesanais do Vale do Itajaí in: 2 Conferência do Desenvolvimento CODE/IPEA, 2012, Brasília. Anais do I Circuito de Debates Acadêmicos IPEA e Associações de Pós-Graduação em Ciencias Humanas, Brasília 2012 (gemeinsam mit P.L. Kegel, M.A. Amal).
Beiträge in Sammelwerken
Antons, Christoph From Magic Charms to Symbols of Wealth: Well-known Trade Marks in Indonesia in: Andrew T. Kenyon, Megan Richardson, Ng-Loy Wee Loon (Hg.), The Law of Reputation and Brands in the Asia Pacific (Cambridge Intellectual Property and Information Law, 16), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2012, 142 - 155.
Beiträge in Sammelwerken
Antons, Christoph Patent enforcement in Indonesia in: Reto M. Hilty, Chung-Kung Liu (Hg.), The Enforcement of Patents - comparing the Asian, European and American Experiences (Max Planck Series of Asian Intellectual Property Law, 16), Kluwer Law International, Alphen aan den Rijn 2012, 215 - 231.
Bakhoum, Mor Rezension von: Gerber, David J.: Global Competition - Law, Markets, and Globalization, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2010, XX, 394 S., ISBN 978-0-19-922822-5 IIC 43, 1 (2012), 117 - 120.
Geiger, Christophe (Hg.) Criminal Enforcement of Intellectual Property: A Handbook of Contemporary Research (Research handbooks in intellectual property), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2012, XIV + 416 S.
Geiger, Christophe Fundamental Rights as Common Principles of European (and International) Intellectual Property Law in: Ansgar Ohly (Hg.), Common Principles of European Intellectual Property Law (Geistiges Eigentum und Wettbewerb, 62), Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2012, 223 - 240.