Beiträge in Sammelwerken
Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht

Thinking outside the box: the legal and nonlegal objectives of geographical indications

Carls, SuelenThinking outside the box: the legal and nonlegal objectives of geographical indications in: WIPO Academy, WTO Intellectual Property, Government Procurement and Competition Division (Hg.), WIPO-WTO Colloquium Papers - Research Papers from the 2017 WIPO-WTO Colloqium for Teachers of Intellectual Property Law, World Trade Organization 2019, 1 - 11.

This paper discusses the legal and non-legal objectives of geographical indications (GIs) as an intellectual property right, and introduces the issue of GI management in Brazil
in terms of laws and policies. The author presents some approaches adopted by Brazilian GI holders, and highlights their successes and failures. The author argues
that GI holders must rethink their strategies to achieve success and further development. Finally, the author suggests specific policy changes focusing on the non-legal
objectives of GIs, and the provision of access to a coordinated quality support and advice service.
