Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht

The Unitary Patent Package: Twelve Reasons for Concern

Hilty, Reto M.The Unitary Patent Package: Twelve Reasons for Concern 2012, 5 S. (gemeinsam mit Thomas Jaeger et al.).

Auch veröffentlicht als: Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property & Competition Law Research Paper No. 12-12

Auch veröffentlicht in: CIPA Journal, 2012, H. 10, 553 - 555

A balanced, innovation-friendly and uniform patent system is indispensable for Europe. However, the latest EU proposal for a patent package (Patent Regulation and flanking court system) is both dangerous and misguided. While a superficial glance may create the false impression of a patent law advancement through the proposal, it instead actually threatens to forestall the necessary legal progress and innovation capacities for the foreseeable future. It might prove disastrous to implement a patent system which is already known to be detrimental from both the legal as well as the innovation perspectives. This paper provides a short introduction to the major reasons for concern regarding the current proposals and explains why it is imperative to reconsider the proposals entirely afresh.


