Tagung  |  11.10.2024 | 14:00  –  17:15

Annual Meeting of the MPI Alumni Association in Cooperation with the Institute

Raum E10

The conference will deal with two topics:

Standard Essential Patents Litigation in the Unified Patent Court

When the UPC Agreement was drafted, FRAND and Standard Essential Patents were not as important topics as they are today in patent litigation. The UPC Agreement therefore does not explicitly address what should be the legal framework for such proceedings. In one of the first cases dealing with SEP litigation, the Mannheim Local Division considered the negotiation framework established by the European Court of Justice in the 2015 case of Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. v ZTE Corp. as relevant for FRAND licensing negotiations and shed some light on important issues of confidentiality in FRAND litigation.

The panel will discuss on what legal basis SEP cases should be litigated in the UPC and to what extent the UPC courts will not only grant or dismiss injunctions, but also define the conditions of FRAND licenses. In general, the question arises as to whether the UPC changes the way SEP litigation is conducted in the UPC member states.

Protection of Competition in AI Innovation

Given the significant economical and societal implications of AI technology, it is vital to ensure that competition in the field of AI, as well in the sectors where AI finds applications, remains fair, open, and ultimately serves societal values. Are competition law and policy well-equipped to address the specifics and challenges of competition in AI innovation?

The panelists are invited to share perspectives on this multi-dimensional topic, as well as to explore the interactions between competition law with other legal frameworks - particularly intellectual property rights, trade secrets, and recently adopted instruments for regulating the data economy - in the context of AI innovation.

Programme as pdf

Registration is closed.