In his work, Moritz Sutterer develops a conflict of laws concept for the cross-border activities of performing rights societies. Until now, this has been regulated by a large number of reciprocal agreements between the individual collective management organizations. In its statement, the jury emphasized that the work is innovative and future-oriented. Sutterer’s work is particularly important in view of the increasing internationalization of the activities of collective management organizations.
During his time at the Institute, Moritz Sutterer’s research focused on copyright law, antitrust law and private international law. He contributed his knowledge of conflict of laws to the drafting of the International Law Association’s “Kyoto Guidelines” on private international law in the field of intellectual property law. He received his doctorate from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in 2022. Today he works as a lawyer in Munich.
The Heinrich Hubmann Prize is endowed with 5,000 euros and is awarded every two years by VG WORT. The award ceremony on 14 March 2025 took place as part of the symposium of the Institute for Copyright and Media Law on “Media and Copyright Challenges of Artificial Intelligence” in Munich. In awarding the prize, VG WORT commemorates its long-standing board member Professor Dr. Heinrich Hubmann (1915–1989), who, as a university lecturer and author of numerous works, advocated the “law of the creative mind”. He is regarded as an outstanding scholar of German copyright law in the second half of the 20th century.
Sutterer, Moritz
Das Kollisionsrecht der kollektiven Rechtewahrnehmung
Abhandlungen zum Urheber- und Kommunikationsrecht, 65, Nomos; Stämpfli Verlag; C.H. Beck, Baden-Baden; Bern; München 2024, 555 S.