
The Library of the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition is dedicated to the excellence of the research of the Institute. It is therefore the library’s goal to offer academics the best possible working conditions in all areas of information supply and information.


In order to achieve this goal, the library collects extensive literature on national, foreign and international intellectual property and competition law. The collection pursues the goal of completeness in these areas and includes literature from all countries and all languages. In addition the library offers access to the most important legal databases as well as access to more than 13,800 licensed law journals.

The collection currently includes more that 260,000 volumes. Due to its international orientation and completeness, the collection is unique worldwide and therefore attracts academics from around the world.

The library’s online catalogue lists the entire literature collection of the library. The main access point for the offering of digital media is the Virtual Library of the Max Planck Society (MPG.ReNa) and the database site DBIS. The Electronic Journal Library (EZB) provides a comprehensive overview of electronic journals.

The library possesses reference character and serves first and foremost the supplying of literature to the Institute’s employees, scholarship holders and guests. Furthermore, it is open to all individuals who conduct academic work corresponding to the Institute’s areas of research.

The library is conceived as a central service facility serving, in addition to the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, the Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance in all areas of information provision.

Library’s Online Catalogue

EZproxy - Remote Access to Electronic Resources


Max-Planck-Gesellschaft - Resource Navigator


Citation Linker (SFX)

Citation Linker (SFX)

Database Site DBIS


Electronic Journals Library


Using the Library

The library is available to all academics and scholarship holders of the Institutes as well as students of the Munich Intellectual Property Law Center (MIPLC).

If you want to use the library as a day guest or plan a stay of up to two weeks, please contact bibliothek(at) directly.

If you are planning a longer stay, please use the electronic application form for a stay without financial support. Please be sure to indicate the desired period and enclose all documents listed there. You will usually receive a reply to your application within two to three weeks.

All users, prior to their initial visit, must fill out a registration form and confirm receipt of the library’s terms of use. You may print out the registration form here and bring the filled-out form along on your initial visit.

Library Tours
Participation in a library tour is a prerequisite for using the library.

Introductions for new guests and scholarship holders of the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition take place individually during opening hours and are offered in English if required.

Terms of Use
Library Rules

Magazine Stock
Unfortunately, the titles with the location „Magazin“ are currently not accessible. Please note this when using the library.


In the library for Innovation and Competition, you will find copiers with scanning capability in the basement. The copier for the library for Tax Law and Public Finance is located in the reading room.

A vending machine for purchasing copy-cards is located in the foyer of the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Marstallplatz 1.

A printer is available for all research places in the library.

Use of Laptops
All work places are equipped with electrical outlets.

WLAN is available for all employees of the Institute.

Contact Persons

Head of Library
Peter Weber, M. A. (LIS)
phone +49 89 24246-200

Information Desk
phone +49 89 24246-222
Fax +49 89 24246-501
email bibliothek(at)


Jakica Caganic
phone +49 89 24246-210
email jakica.caganic(at)

Simon Paul Geisser, B.A.
phone +49 89 24246-5403
email simon-paul.geisser(at)

Dipl.-Bibl. Petra Golombek
phone +49 89 24246-5403
email petra.golombek(at)

Dipl.-Bibl. Sonja Hirschmüller
phone +49 89 24246-209
email sonja.hirschmueller(at)

Patrick Höfer
phone +49 89 24246-201
email patrick.hoefer(at)

Dipl.-Bibl. Kathrin Merker, M.A. (LIS)
phone +49 89 24246-206
email kathrin.merker(at)

Angelique Möller
phone +49 89 24246-323
email angelique.moeller(at)

Dipl.-Bibl. Sabine Schmotz
phone +49 89 24246-203
email sabine.schmotz(at)

Contact and Opening Hours

Library Max Planck Institute for Innovation und Wettbewerb
Marstallplatz 1
80539 Munich, Germany

Phone +49 89 24246-221
Fax +49 89 24246-501
Email: bibliothek.ip(at)

Opening Hours
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 
Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. 
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Closing Days

Christmas 2024 12/21/2024 – 01/01/2025
Epiphany 01/06/2025
Easter 04/18/2025 – 04/21/2025
Labor Day 05/01/2025
Ascension Day 05/29/2025
Whit Monday 06/09/2025
Corpus Christi 06/19/2025
Assumption Day 08/15/2025
German Unity Day 10/03/2025
All Saints’ Day 11/01/2025

Information Material