Cultural transformation is a dynamic and ongoing process in our Institute. The awareness of diverse gender roles and gender identities in general, and also within the international research community, strengthens our teams and opens new perspectives. Approaches to equal opportunity, for instance, or the effects of one-sided notions of role models, are frequently discussed both in committee meetings and in informal talks. We enhance our gender competence via workshops and training measures, so as to understand where stereotypical expectations come from and how to defuse them.
Equal chances are not only a matter of awareness. They are a function of the concrete details of workflows, decision-making processes and of formal documents of the Institute. We employ transparent and inclusive application procedures to find the best candidate for a position. The Equal Opportunities Officer of the Institute participates in central committee meetings and selection procedures to guarantee a discrimination-free process. We regularly gather gender specific data and statistics to gauge our progress towards gender parity in all areas of the Institute.
We can do more than just provide good framework conditions for gender equality. We aim to permanently increase the percentage of women researchers at the Institute and to enhance their visibility within the scientific community. Our objective is gender parity, as is generally found at the student level in the fields of law and economics. Attractive working conditions and a well-functioning work-life balance are a central component of our strategy, as are specialized professional training and career planning.
See Networks
The Institute’s Gender Equality Officer and her deputy are the contact persons for all members of the Institute regarding questions of gender equality. They monitor operational processes and selection procedures of the Institute to ensure equal treatment, and they support and advise the Institute management.
Hella Schuster
Equal Opportunities Officer
Phone: +49 89 24246-454
Email: gleichstellung(at)
Dr. Daria Kim
Deputy Equal Opportunites Officer
Phone: +49 89 24246-430
Email: gleichstellung(at)