Seminar  |  01/31/2024 | 03:00 PM  –  04:15 PM

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: India’s Missing Billion

Patrick Gaulé (Bristol University)

hybrid (Room 313/Zoom)

This paper quantifies the role of family background in who becomes an inventor in India — using the information content in surnames. Indian surnames typically contain information about one’s caste, religion, or geographic origin. Based on records of all adult Indians alive (~850 million individuals), a national survey of 130 million families, and historical registers from the British India civil service and university graduates in the 1850s, we develop a novel dataset to track inequality between family groups over time and space in India. We find that based on family background alone, the bottom two-thirds of India’s population (~1 billion individuals) have a very low chance of becoming an entrepreneur, inventor, scientist, or even participating in national entrance exams for top universities. This pattern is unique to India with no other major country having nearly as much name-based advantage in outcomes. Integrating marginalized communities will not only benefit the excluded communities within India but will also enable India to enhance its aggregate contribution to the global economy and to the knowledge frontier.
(Joint work with Ruchir Agarwal)

Contact person: Albert Roger

Subscription to the invitation mailing list and more information on the seminar page.

Seminar  |  01/24/2024 | 03:00 PM  –  04:15 PM

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Flowers of Invention – Patent Protection and Productivity Growth in U.S. Agriculture

Jacob Moscona (Harvard / MIT)

Virtual talk, on invitation, see seminar page

Patent protection was introduced for plant biotechnology in the United States in 1985, and it affected crops differentially depending on their reproductive structures. Exploiting this unique feature of plant physiology and a new dataset of crop-specific technology development, I find that the introduction of patent rights increased the development of novel plant varieties in affected crops. Technology development was driven by a rapid increase in private sector investment, was accompanied by positive spillover effects on innovation in certain non-biological agricultural technologies, and led to an increase in crop yields. Patent rights, however, could come with potentially significant costs to the consumers of technology and distortions to downstream production. Nevertheless, I document that in US counties that were more exposed to the change in patent law because of their crop composition, land values and profits increased. Taken together, the results suggest that the prospect of patent protection spurred technological progress and increased downstream productivity and profits.

Contact person: Albert Roger

Subscription to the invitation mailing list and more information on the seminar page.

Fireside Chat symbol image with fireplace
Miscellaneous  |  01/17/2024 | 06:00 PM  –  07:15 PM

Digitality Fireside Chat #4: Deutschland – Digitalisierung analog gedacht?

Sören Auer (TIB and Leibniz University Hannover)

Moderation: Dietmar Harhoff

Online event (in German), with registration

Join Sören Auer and Dietmar Harhoff for an in-depth conversation about digitalization and innovation processes in Germany. They will exchange their views on the hurdles and obstacles that lie along the path of developing and adopting innovations, and discuss inspiring examples of successful programs that have played a pivotal role in nurturing digitalization and driving innovation in Germany.

The event will be held online via zoom and is in German.

The Max Planck Digitality Fireside Chat is an informal event format for in-depth talks and discussions on digitality and digital transformation. The aim is to allow for an exchange between researchers and digital pioneers who have come forward with new concepts, proposals and ideas, and are actively shaping digitalization.

Seminar  |  01/17/2024 | 03:00 PM  –  04:15 PM

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Academia and Children in Sweden – Publication Productivity and Survival

Olof Ejermo (Lund University)

hybrid (Room 313/Zoom)

The Swedish system has for long been one of the most generous with respect to family parental leave policies in the world. Is there evidence that this system raises women's possibilities of an academic career? I present new longitudinal evidence for more than 11,000 first-time fathers and mothers, examining survival chances with a focus on the characterizing the gender gap in terms of wages and publications. Descriptive statistics show that women in the Swedish system are somewhat behind men in their academic career in terms of publication rate and positional advancement before having children, which is in part due to their younger age. After their first child, the publication gap between men and women is substantially widened across all fields, conditional on staying in academia, while this drop is not nearly as severe for wages.  Women have only slightly lower survival chances than men after their first child. In recent years, parental leave has become more equally shared between fathers and mother, but I find no evidence that this trend has lowered child penalty rates for women in publications, rather the opposite. This suggests that a more equal distribution of parental leave may not be a panacea to improving women's career prospects in academia. 

Contact person: Rainer Widmann

Subscription to the invitation mailing list and more information on the seminar page.

Workshop  |  12/18/2023, 11:30 AM  –  12/19/2023, 04:30 PM

RISE – 6th Research on Innovation, Science and Entrepreneurship Workshop

Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition

Keynote: Ina Ganguli (UMass Amherst)

On 18/19 December 2023, the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition will host the 6th Research on Innovation, Science and Entrepreneurship Workshop (RISE6), an annual workshop for Ph.D. students and Junior Post-docs in Economics and Management. 

The goal of the RISE6 Workshop is to stimulate an in-depth discussion of a select number of empirical research papers. It offers Ph.D. students and Junior Post-docs an opportunity to present their work and to receive feedback.

Keynote speaker of the RISE6 Workshop is Ina Ganguli (UMass Amherst).

See the Program RISE6.

For more information see RISE Workshop.

Seminar  |  12/14/2023 | 03:00 PM  –  05:00 PM

TIME Colloquium

Kyung Yul Lee (TUM), Elisa Gerten (ISTO)

Room 313

Boundary-Spanning Technology Search, Product Component Reuse, and New Product Innovation: Evidence from the Smartphone Industry
Presenter: Kyung Yul Lee (TUM) (co-authored with H. J. Jung and Y. Kwon)
Discussant: Mingpei Li (Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition)

How Complementarities between Technology, Environmental Compliance, and Management Practices Drive Firm Productivity: Evidence from German Firms
Presenter: Elisa Gerten (ISTO)
Discussant: Pietro Fantini (TUM)

Seminar  |  12/14/2023 | 12:15 PM  –  01:30 PM

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Learning When to Quit – An Empirical Model of Experimentation in Standards Development

Tim Simcoe (Boston University)

hybrid (Room 313/Zoom)

Research productivity depends on the ability to discern whether an idea is promising, and a willingness to abandon the ones that are not. Economists know little about this process, however, because empirical studies of innovation typically begin with a sample of issued patents or published papers that were already selected from a pool of promising ideas. This paper unpacks the idea selection process using a unique dataset from the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), a voluntary organization that develops protocols for managing Internet infrastructure. For a large sample of IETF proposals, we observe a sequence of decisions to either revise, publish, or abandon the project, along with changes to the proposal and the demographics of the author team. Using these data, we provide a descriptive analysis of how R&D is conducted within the IETF, and estimate a dynamic discrete choice model whose key parameters measure the speed at which author teams learn whether they have a good (i.e., publishable) idea. The estimates imply that sixty percent of IETF proposals are publishable, but only one-third of the good ideas survive the review process. Author experience and increased attention from the IETF community are associated with faster learning. Finally, we simulate two innovation policies: a research subsidy and a publication-prize. Subsidies have a larger impact on research output, though prizes perform better when accounting for researchers’ opportunity costs.

Contact person: David Heller

Subscription to the invitation mailing list and more information on the seminar page.

Conference  |  12/07/2023, 09:00 AM  –  12/08/2023, 05:00 PM

Global Data Law Conference Series: Comparative Data Law

Jointly organized with the University of Passau Research Centre for Law and Digitalisation (FREDI)

Haus der Bayerischen Wirtschaft, Max-Joseph-Straße 5, Munich

Conference Series on Global Data Law

Data is a central resource of and multiple-use production factor in the 21st century. Data creation, data processing, data use, and data transfer is – in the words of data geopolitics – inherently linked to the competitiveness of not only economies, but also of societies. Nevertheless, the quest for an adequate and balanced governance framework is on-going – whereby data governance does not only, but also encompasses hard and soft law regulation. The respective field of data law is emerging and not yet fully ‘surveyed’, still in the process of making as well as fragmented along the lines of existing rules and recent policy efforts. The legal (and infrastructural) taxonomy is in flux and an inherent element of modern-day data strategies worldwide.

Underlining this global nature of data governance, the conference is aimed at a truly global view on data law instruments – where the current EU pieces of legislation (inter alia the General Data Protection Regulation as well as the Data Governance Act and the proposed Data Act) are only one of many approaches. Most important, the conference is devoted to a contextual – and a decolonial comparative law – approach to data regulation – including cultural, economic, and infrastructural dimensions of data governance and linking perspectives from the global north and global south as well from liberal and authoritarian settings.

The conference is co-organized by the University of Passau Research Centre for Law and Digitalisation (FREDI) and the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition. The event is the final part of a three-tier conference series on Global Data Law and element of a greater research agenda with respect to Global Data Law & Policy.

Visit the website on the Conference Series on Global Data Law.

Program as pdf

Registration is open up to and including 26 November 2023.

Seminar  |  12/06/2023 | 03:00 PM  –  04:15 PM

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Net-Zero Innovation and Entrepreneurship Lab – Accelerating the Transition Towards a Net-Zero Emissions Economy

Benedict Probst (ETH Zürich)

Room 313 (internal)

Benedict Probst presents his vision for the independent research group, which will be hosted at the Institute. He gives first an overview of his background and his past academic work. Then, he speaks about his plans for the group and gives an overview of the envisaged research projects.

Seminar  |  11/29/2023 | 01:00 PM  –  02:15 PM

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: Facilitating Transfer and Innovation by Organizing Scientific Contributions in a Knowledge Graph

Sören Auer (University of Hannover)

hybrid (Room 313/Zoom)

The transfer of knowledge has not changed fundamentally for many hundreds of years: It is usually document-based-formerly printed on paper as a classic essay and nowadays as PDF. With around 2.5 million new research contributions every year, researchers drown in a flood of pseudo-digitized PDF publications. As a result research and innovation is seriously weakened. We argue for representing research contributions in a structured and semantic way as a knowledge graph. The advantage is that information represented in a knowledge graph is readable by machines and humans. As an example, we give an overview on the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG), a service implementing this approach. For creating the knowledge graph representation, we rely on a mixture of manual (crowd/expert sourcing) and (semi-)automated techniques. Only with such a combination of human and machine intelligence, we can achieve the required quality of the representation to allow for novel exploration and assistance services for researchers. As a result, a scholarly knowledge graph such as the ORKG can be used to give a condensed overview on the state-of-the-art addressing a particular research quest, for example as a tabular comparison of contributions according to various characteristics of the approaches. Further possible intuitive access interfaces to such scholarly knowledge graphs include domain-specific (chart) visualizations or answering of natural language questions.

Contact person:  Marina Chugunova

Subscription to the invitation mailing list and more information on the seminar page.