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5896 publications found.

Contributions to collected editions

Olmedo Peralta, Eugenio La incidencia de las acciones por daños sobre la efectividad de los programas de clemencia y la estabilidad de los cárteles en el Derecho Europeo de la Competencia (The incidence of damage claims on the effectivity of leniency programs and the stability of cartels in European Competition Law) in: Juan Ignacio Ruiz Peris (Hg.), La compensación de los daños por infracción de las normas de competencia tras la Directiva 2014/104/UE - directiva y propuesta de transposición, Aranzadi, Madrid 2016.


Gaessler, Fabian (2016). Enforcing and Trading Patents – Evidence for Europe (Innovation und Entrepreneurship). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Journal articles

Picht, Peter Die internationale Zuständigkeit für Immaterialgüterrechtsverletzungen im Internet nach den EuGH-Entscheidungen Hejduk und Pinckney GRUR Int 65, 3 (2016), 232 - 236 (gemeinsam mit Caroline Kopp).

Contributions to collected editions

Podszun, Rupprecht Die Marktordnung für Public Sector Information: Plädoyer für eine wettbewerbsorientierte Auslegung der Richtlinie in: Thomas Dreier et al. (Hg.), Information der öffentlichen Hand (Studien zur Informationsfreiheit, 3), Nomos, Baden-Baden 2016, 335 - 360.

Contributions to collected editions

Cornish, William R. The Origins and Structure of the TRIPS Agreement in: Hanns Ullrich et al. (Hg.), TRIPS plus 20 - From Trade Rules to Market Principles (MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 25), Springer, Heidelberg; Berlin 2016, 3 - 51 (gemeinsam mit Kathleen Liddell).

Collected editions

Ullrich, Hanns (Hg.) TRIPS plus 20 - From Trade Rules to Market Principles (MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition, 25), Springer, Heidelberg; Berlin 2016, XVII + 760 S. (gemeinsam mit Reto M. Hilty et al.).

Contributions to collected editions

Ullrich, Hanns The Political Foundations of TRIPS Revisited in: Hanns Ullrich et al. (Hg.), TRIPS plus 20 - From Trade Rules to Market Principles (MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 25), Springer, Heidelberg; Berlin 2016, 85 - 129.

Contributions to collected editions

Kur, Annette From Minimum Standards to Maximum Rules in: Hanns Ullrich et al. (Hg.), TRIPS plus 20 - From Trade Rules to Market Principles (MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 25), Springer, Heidelberg; Berlin 2016, 133 - 162.

Contributions to collected editions

Grosse Ruse-Khan, Henning IP and Trade in a Post-TRIPS Environment in: Hanns Ullrich et al. (Hg.), TRIPS plus 20 - From Trade Rules to Market Principles (MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 25), Springer, Heidelberg; Berlin 2016, 163 - 183.

Contributions to collected editions

Hilty, Reto M. Ways Out of the Trap of Article 1(1) TRIPS in: Hanns Ullrich et al. (Hg.), TRIPS plus 20 - From Trade Rules to Market Principles (MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 25), Springer, Heidelberg; Berlin 2016, 185 - 210.