5894 publications found.
Competition (Law) and Access to Telecommunications Technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa in: Damien Gerard, Ioannis Lianos (
Patent Aggregation: More Than Patent Trolls Les Nouvelles LIV, 4 (2019) (
Anmerkung zu: Corte di Cassazione, Urt. v. 19.3.2019 – 9133/2015 - Haftung von aktiven und passiven Hosting-Providern - RTI v. Yahoo GRUR Int 68, 10 (2019), 952 - 962.
Stimuli for Entrepreneurship: Quantitative Evidence from High School Education, Start-up Acceleration, and Organizational Transformation. Berlin: ProBusiness.
(2019).The Economic Succession Doctrine in Private Enforcement of EU Competition Law: 'Nothing Extraordinary' After Skanska Industrial? Market and Competition Law Review 3, 2 (2019), 171 - 186.
Indicações geográficas e produtos tradicionais. Anais do VIII workshop catarinense de indicação geográfica Editora Univille, Joinville, SC 2019, 371
Deceptive Conducts before the Patent Office - Challenges for Patent Law and Competition Law (MIPLC Studies, 37), Nomos, Baden-Baden 2019, 335
Unlocking the Right to Data Portability - An Analysis of the Interface with the Sui Generis Database Right (MIPLC Studies, 38), Nomos, Baden-Baden 2019, 76