Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research

Patents and Technical Standards – A Semantics-Based Analysis of Essentiality Status, Standardization Governance, and Scientific Foundations

This dissertation focuses on standard-essential patents (SEPs), exploring issues related to disclosure, licensing, enforcement, and the influence of scientific research in standards development. Chapter 1 introduces a semantics-based approach for assessing SEPs, aiming to improve transparency in the SEP declaration process. Chapter 2 scrutinizes the economic incentives of a patent policy revision at IEEE-SA, examining its impact on patent filings, technology development, and standard-setting involvement. Chapter 3 investigates the contribution of science to technical standards development, providing insights into research trends and their relevance for standards-related patents. Overall, the dissertation provides insights for policymakers, practitioners, and academics by shedding light on the interplay between patents and standards.

Brachtendorf, Lorenz; Gaessler, Fabian; Harhoff, Dietmar (2023). Truly Standard-Essential Patents? A Semantics-Based Analysis, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 32 (1), 132–157. DOI
Brachtendorf, Lorenz (2021). Patents and Technical Standards: A Semantics-Based Analysis of Essentiality Status, Standardization Governance and Scientific Foundations. Dissertation, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.


Doctoral Student

Lorenz Brachtendorf

Doctoral Supervisor

Prof. Dietmar Harhoff, Ph.D.

Fields of Research