Dr. Lorenz Brachtendorf
Former Research Fellow
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research
Personal Website
Areas of Interest
Quantitative Methods, Econometrics and Multivariate Statistics, Machine Learning, Innovation Economics, Technical Standards, Standard-Essential Patents
Academic Résumé
2016 - 2021
Junior Research Fellow and Doctoral Candidate, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition (Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research)
Doctoral Thesis: “Patents and Technical Standards: A Semantics-Based Analysis of Essentiality Status, Standardization Governance and Scientific Foundations”
2013 - 2016
Master of Science in Economics at the University of Heidelberg and the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Master Thesis “The Geographical Concentration of R&D Collaborations, Regional Knowledge Spillovers and the Effect on Firms’ Innovation Performance” and Research Assistant at the Centre for European Economic Research
2012 - 2016
Practical Experience at SAP SE (Walldorf), Carl Zeiss AG (Oberkochen), and BHF-Bank AG (Frankfurt am Main)
2009 - 2013
Studies in Physics (B.Sc.) at the University of Heidelberg and the University of Manchester
Bachelor Thesis at the German Cancer Research Center Heidelberg
ERASMUS Scholarship to study at the University of Manchester
Articles in Refereed Journals
Truly Standard-Essential Patents? - A Semantics-Based Analysis, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 32 (1), 132-157. DOI
(2023).- Standard-essential patents (SEPs) have become a key element of technical coordination via standard-setting organizations. Yet, in many cases, it remains unclear whether a declared SEP is truly standard-essential. To date, there is no automated procedure that allows for a scalable and objective assessment of SEP status. This paper introduces a semantics-based method for approximating the standard essentiality of patents. We provide details on the procedure that generates the measure of standard essentiality and present the results of several validation and robustness exercises. We illustrate the measure's usefulness in estimating the share of true SEPs in firm patent portfolios for several telecommunication standards.
- Also published as: CEPR Discussion Paper DP14726
Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews
Approximating the Standard Essentiality of Patents – A Semantics-Based Analysis, Report for the EPO Academic Research Programme.
(2020).Discussion Papers
Truly Standard-Essential Patents? - A Semantics-Based Analysis, CEPR Discussion Paper, 14726. London: Centre for Economic Policy Research.
(2020).- Standard-essential patents (SEPs) have become a key element of technical coordination in standard-setting organizations. Yet, in many cases, it remains unclear whether a declared SEP is truly standard-essential. To date, there is no automated procedure that allows for a scalable and objective assessment of SEP status. This paper introduces a semantics-based method for approximating the standard essentiality of patents. We provide details on the procedure that generates the measure of standard essentiality and present the results of several validation exercises. In a first empirical application we illustrate the measure's usefulness in estimating the share of true SEPs in firm patent portfolios for several mobile telecommunication standards. We find firm-level differences that are statistically significant and economically substantial. Furthermore, we observe a general decline in the average share of presumably true SEPs between successive standard generations.
- https://cepr.org/active/publications/discussion_papers/dp.php?dpno=14726
- Also published in: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy
Presentations and Lectures
Approximating the Standard-Essentiality of Patents – A Semantics-Based Analysis
EPO Academic Research Programme Workshop
Location: Online
The Impact of the IEEE-SA Patent Policy Revision on Patenting and Standardization
Research Seminar
Location: Munich
The Contribution of Science to Technology Standards
Research Seminar
Location: Zugspitze
The Contribution of Science to Technology Standards
2nd RISE Workshop, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition
Location: Munich
Approximating the Standard-Essentiality of Patents – A Semantics-Based Analysis
EPO Academic Research Programme Workshop
Location: Munich
Approximating the Standard-Essentiality of Patents – A Semantics-Based Analysis
46th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE)
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Approximating the Standard-Essentiality of Patents – A Semantics-Based Analysis
TIME Seminar
Location: Munich
Approximating the Standard-Essentiality of Patents – A Semantics-Based Analysis
8th ZEW/MaCCI Conference on the Economics of Innovation and Patenting
Location: Mannheim
Approximating the Standard-Essentiality of Patents – A Semantics-Based Analysis
DRUID Academy Conference 2019
Location: Aalborg, Denmark
Ideas on the Economics of Truly Standard-Essential Patents
Doctoral Seminar, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition
Location: Kreuth
Standard Essentiality of Patents - A Text-Based Analysis of Patents and Standards / Ideas on IEEE’s Policy Change
Doctoral Seminar, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition
Location: Zugspitze